Sunday 31 December 2023

Update in My Author Life…


Ah, a new year, and new plans. So much hope, and so much faith in new beginnings. A clean slate, a fresh start. As I went through my business plan and goals for 2023, I was pleased to find that I managed to complete them all, save for nabbing a foreign rights agent. But, I realized that goal was totally out of my control, with the exception of sending out queries. Among my other lofty goals were creating a writing resource PDF I called, Tips, Tools & Tricks for the Tenacious Writer and putting it up on my website as a free download, connecting with the local libraries to see if they’d purchase and carry my books, and finish writing the third installment of Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls called Sticks and Stones. Done. Done. Done. Well, the libraries never got back to me, so I assume it’s a flat no. Sigh.

I guess authors nowadays have to try many possible avenues to get their books out there. Shows. Events. Ads. Giveaways. Bribes. Begging. Sorry, got carried away. LOL! Actually, I was lucky enough to attend a couple of events in the fall of 2023. One at our town’s bookstore, River Bookshop, who hosted a Local Author Book Fair, and another with my publisher, Mirror World Publishing at a Local Author Christmas Book Show. I love events that only allow authors and publishers, as opposed to anything-goes craft shows, because you get actual readers wandering the aisles instead of people looking aimlessly around at the different tables. Plus, we get to network with other authors, and learn what book promotion strategies work for them, and what doesn’t. A win-win in my eyes.

I also bought a program that helps authors create ads instantly. If you’ve never heard of BookGraphix, I
urge you to check it out if you like doing your own ads to share on your social media accounts. The program allows authors to place their book or books (up to three) in images that are appropriate for your audience, create content, and download them to your computer. They also have holiday inspired ads as well, and you can do trailers, cover reveals, and other creative stuff. For the last three and a half years, I’ve been steadily running Facebook ads for ten days, and rolling over a new ad when one finishes. This strategy has garnered me a reach of over a million people for many campaigns that I’ve run, and about two to five thousand clicks on the links I provide. I use my Amazon Author link with all my books, and my website books page for those links. It’s certainly been an investment for sure. The trick is to get those link clickers to buy one of my books instead of click and go. It’s a patience game for sure!

As for my plans for 2024, I’ll be revising and editing Sticks and Stones so it’s ready for publication either late this fall or in 2025. Yup. That’s how the publishing game works! Slow, but sure. I’m going to continue to query foreign rights agents seasonally until I attract the best one for me (fingers crossed), as well as run my ten day Facebook ads to extend my reach and hopefully connect with readers throughout the world. It’s also my intention to start gathering research and plotting the story for the next installment of The Last Timekeepers time travel adventure series, which will be in Treena Mui’s point-of-view. Should be a blast!

On a personal note, my hubby and I got e-bikes from Santa for Christmas in 2022, and have been riding our butts off all spring, summer and fall, in an effort to put a lot of mileage on them. Best. Presents. Ever. Plus, it’s great exercise and gets us outside in nature. For more current news, please check my blog, as I periodically give updates to what’s going on in my author life. So how about you? Do you have any big or small plans, goals, desires you want to make manifest in 2024? Dream big, life is short. Would love to read your comments. Cheers and Happy New Year! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I appreciate you!


  1. Happy New Year, and welcome to my virtual abode! Hope my plans and goals inspire you to do something BIG this year! Cheers and all the best!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Marina! Wishing you a very healthy, happy, and prosperous 2024 and beyond, my friend!
