Sunday, 23 March 2025

A Recipe and a Read: Sunday Brunch Pie and a Cozy Mystery Served Up by Author Janis Lane...

I love Sunday Brunch and all the egg casserole dishes. This one is not for everyone, but I love onions and eggs. Perhaps you will too. It’s easy and fast. You can add small bits of bacon or ham for an extra interest. Shake a bit of Paprika to the top of the pie for a garnish with parsley. 

I grew up in South Georgia not too far from Vidalia. Although the mild popular brand of sweet onion is named for the small country town, it’s actually the surrounding soil that is the reason for the tasty veggie. It lacks sulfur which causes the biting taste of other types. 

Only 20 surrounding counties may name their onions Vidalia. (Vidalia Act of 1986.) You’d never know the difference driving through the area. Just pleasant, rolling country farmland with the occasional roadside stand selling—you guessed it—Vidalia onions. (And Pauline pecans, but that’s a story for another time.)  Now we can buy them most anywhere when in season. Vidalia onion! Conjures up the tasty memory of a drive-in hamburger laden with sweet onion and cheese, doesn’t it? With your steady BF, of course. 

This pie is not a good keeper. Serve it warm from the oven.


1 c. saltine or Ritz crackers, crushed (Club is okay too)
¼ c. butter, melted
2 ½ c. thinly sliced Vidalia onions
2 eggs
¾ c. milk
½ tsp. salt and pepper to taste
¼ c. shredded sharp cheese
chopped ham, bacon bits, chopped parsley to garnish, optional

Preheat oven 350° F. 

Mix crushed crackers with melted butter. Pat crackers and butter mixture to form a crust in 8- or 9-inch pie plate. Set aside. Sauté sliced onions in butter until opaque not browned.  In bowl mix eggs, milk, salt/pepper to taste. Pour over onions. Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 45 minutes or until knife inserted comes out clean. Serve hot from the oven in pie slices.  Add thick slices of French bread to round off your breakfast. Orange juice, small glasses of champagne, a selection of jams, will turn this dish into gourmet.

I’m afraid this dish requires both a couple of y’alls and two Y’alls come backs.


Here is a little from one of my cozy mystery books under my pseudonym Janis Lane. I hope you enjoy it.

Abby Naycomb, wildlife photographer, found more than scintillating images of the birds of Central Florida. A handsome park ranger turns her world upside down even as a criminal stalker seeks to threaten her life.

Who knew trespassing in the restrictive area of a Florida State Park to get the perfect shot of the sand hill crane family would wind up with Abby Naycomb, wildlife photographer extraordinaire, meeting the most handsome park ranger in the world? Mating/nesting birds were the subject of her quest but finding those intense blue eyes in the lens of her camera was distracting and hormone inciting.

Adam Rawlings, millionaire park ranger, was as shocked as Abby when she accidentally discovered a murdered man buried in a shallow grave in the sand.
Face to face with an exciting relationship with Adam, the perfect man, leaves her no excuse for backing away from a growing intimacy. Vagabond Abby must consider relocating if she wants to continue an invaluable relationship with Adam, the original hometown hero.

Abby struggles as she continues to work deep in the breathtaking wilds of Central Florida while trying to ignore the menace of a serious and threatening stalker. Her task was to reexamine long held premises and prejudices while admiring the southern flora and fauna through the lens of her camera. Bird and nature lovers alert.

Busted in Bird land. Still...what a calendar he would make with that uniform, that smile, those shoulders. She stifled a sigh of pure visual pleasure.

You had better stop it, Miss Smarty. He has the authority to fine and kick you out of the park permanently if he so chooses. Holy Moly-- love a uniformed hunk!


She stifled a giggle which was riotously rolling around deep inside her, threatening to break out. He continued to loom, gazing thoughtfully while she fidgeted in her warm nest sheltered by the dune. Surrounding them, the sporadic wind blew the smell of something baking in the sun. With her face turned upward and her eyes half-closed against the glare, she awaited her fate. She offered a weak smile while trying to bring into focus his face which was back lit by the bright sunlight. It couldn't hurt, she thought, and tried for puppy dog eyes pleading for mercy.

"Leave this area, and I'll forget your lapse of good manners--this time. Don't let me catch you trespassing on restricted lands again. This is a nature preserve. Visitors may not wander about-- especially during nesting season," he added giving her a stern look. "And that goes for well-meaning, good-looking, lady photographers as well."

Janis Lane is the penname for gifted author Emma Lane who writes cozy mysteries as Janis, Regency as Emma, and spice as Sunny Lane.

She lives in Western New York where winter is snowy, spring arrives with rave reviews, summer days are long and velvet, and fall leaves are riotous in color. At long last she enjoys the perfect bow window for her desk where she is treated to a year-round panoramic view of nature. Her computer opens up a fourth fascinating window to the world. Her patient husband is always available to help with a plot twist and encourage Emma to never quit. Her day job is working with flowers at Herbtique and Plant Nursery, the nursery she and her son own.

Look for information about writing and plants on Emma's new website. Leave a comment or a gardening question and put a smile on Emma's face.

Stay connected to Emma on Facebook and Twitter. Be sure to check out the things that make Emma smile on Pinterest.

Sunday, 16 March 2025

A New Publisher, A Rebrand, and Another Chance to Reach Readers…

If you’ve been following my blog or my social media accounts, you may know that I’ve got to the end of this year (2025) to find another publisher who would be willing to breathe new life into my back list, and publish future books. I gave myself the grace to be sad when I heard the news that my present publisher will no longer be excepting submissions, and will pare down their promotion and marketing by the end of 2025. Authors need growth. We also need challenges. So, I decided to shake up my author life, and start the query process early so my books can have another chance to reach new readers, and hopefully keep the ones I’ve got.

The thought of querying again—after being with my current publisher for ten years—made my teeth itch and body convulse. Augh. But, like anything, it takes some gumption and a good deal of action to make things happen in your life. I knew I had a slight advantage being in the publishing game for a while, so I reached out to a few of my author friends to see who they were published with, and if I could use their name when submitting my query. Since it’s a small world in this business, I got the green light from friend Regan W.H. Macaulay, and submitted my Canadian book series to Pandamonium Publishing House based in Ontario, Canada. I made the decision to split up my two series, The Last Timekeepers young adult time travel adventures, and Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls teen psychic mysteries because I’ve learned the hard way that you don’t put all your eggs (your books) in one basket (same publisher) in case they close or go bankrupt. This happens far more often than you know, so authors are left scrambling to find another publisher.

This is where miracles happen. Not a day went by when Pandamonium Publishing House emailed me back to schedule a Zoom meeting with me, and talk about the possibility of signing with them. The meeting lasted over an hour, and needless to say, they were ready to sign me to publish my two existing books from Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls: Lost and Found, and Blackflies and Blueberries. Woohoo! They’ll also take on future project in this series of five, so it’s nice to find a wonderful home for these books. My two Fairy Falls books should be republished by the end of May, and I couldn’t be happier finding a new home for them.

 If you’re in the process of searching for a new publisher, make sure that you look for a different
experience than the one you’ve had with your previous publisher. There’s a reason why they closed their doors. Do your due diligence, and see what other publishers offer to republish your back list, and take on new submissions. For instance, ask if they add extra bonuses at the back of your book, like reading guides for teachers or discussions for book clubs. Will they develop and execute a promotional campaign, including social media outreach, collaborations, and cross-promotions? What about coordinate tours, author interviews, and book signing events? Do they create and distribute promotional materials such as graphics, press releases, and excerpts? Lots to think about before choosing the right publisher to re-release your book babies. Right?

That said, it’s been a strange and stressful start to this year with personal and family challenges to deal with, scheduling an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon for my knee replacement (looks like August or September), and allowing myself to grieve a tragic loss. I look forward to a new author life with a new publisher, and hopefully connecting with new readers. If you’re an author, has this circumstance ever happen to you? If you’re a reader, do you follow your favorite authors to their new publishing homes? Would love to read your comments. Cheers and thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I appreciate you!

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Take the Chill Out of March with a Perfect Casserole to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day...

The perfect casserole for any occasion, especially holiday feasts like the upcoming St. Patrick's Day. These super scalloped potatoes compliment any main dish your serve at your table. Tender potatoes in a creamy onion sauce baked to golden perfection would make any mouth water. Whether you’re serving spiral ham, pork chops, poultry or beef, this tasty side-dish makes six servings to share with family, friends, or friends of friends. With a prep time of 25 minutes, cook time of 1 hour and 20 minutes, and a rest time of 15 minutes for a total of 1 hour and 45 minutes, you’ve got plenty of time to visit with your company, and enjoy a glass of your favorite libation. May I suggest a pint of green beer or perhaps a dram of Irish Whiskey? Slainte!

Super Side Dish Scalloped Potatoes

¼ cup butter
1 large onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
¼ cup flour2 cups milk
1 cup chicken broth
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
3 pounds of white potatoes, sliced about ⅛” thick
Salt and pepper to taste

 Preheat oven to 350°F


To make the sauce, melt butter, onion, and garlic over medium-low heat. Cook until onion is softened, about 3 minutes. Add flour and cook for 1-2 minutes.

Reduce heat to low. Combine milk and broth. Add a small amount at a time whisking to thicken. The mixture will become very thick, continue adding a little bit of liquid at a time whisking until smooth.

Once all the liquid has been added, bring to a boil over medium heat while continuing to whisk. Stir in salt and pepper and let boil 1 minute.

Grease a 9 x 13 baking dish. Place ⅓ of the potatoes in the bottom and season with salt and pepper. Pour ⅓ of the cream sauce over top.

Repeat layers ending with cream sauce. Cover and bake for 45 minutes.

Uncover and bake for an additional 35-45 minutes or until golden brown, and potatoes are tender. Broil for 3-4 minutes to obtain a golden top.

Allow to rest for 15 minutes before serving.

This casserole is also a wonderful side-dish to include at your holiday get-togethers too, making a great substitute for mashed or roast potatoes. Try it. You just might love it! Once dinner is done, and you’ve got some free time on your hands, why not dig into your next read? May I suggest a visit to mysterious Fairy Falls, or if you’re feeling really adventurous, a trip back in time with The Last Timekeepers? Whichever you choose, either series will take you on a journey far, far away from entertaining the masses.

Here’s a glimpse of the premises of both my young adult series:

The Last Timekeepers Time Travel Adventures…

Chosen by an Atlantean Magus to be Timekeepers—legendary time travelers sworn to keep history safe from the evil Belial—five classmates are sent into the past to restore balance, and bring order back into the world, one mission at a time.

Children are the keys to our future. And now, children are the only hope for our past.

Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls Teen Psychic Mysteries…

Imagine a teenager possessing a psychic ability and struggling to cope with its freakish power. There’s no hope for a normal life, and no one who understands. Now, imagine being uprooted and forced to live in a small tourist town where nothing much ever happens. It’s bores-ville from the get-go. Until mysterious things start to happen.

Welcome to Fairy Falls. Expect the unexpected.

The Last Timekeepers Time Travel Adventure Series:

The Last Timekeepers and the Noble Slave, Book #3


The Last Timekeepers and the Dark Secret, Book #2 Buy Links:


The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis, Book #1 Buy Links:


Legend of the Timekeepers, prequel Buy Links:


Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls Teen Psychic Mystery Series:

Lost and Found, Book One Buy Links:


Blackflies and Blueberries, Book Two Buy Links:



Download the free PDF short story The Terrible, Mighty Crystal HERE

Download the free PDF writing resource Tips, Tools  & Tricks for the Tenacious Writer HERE

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Book Tour: Beverlee Beaz meets Lowree Louise, the Blue Burmese by Regan W.H. Macaulay...

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the 1-week book tour for Beverlee Beaz meets Lowree Louise, the Blue Burmese by Regan W. H. Macaulay

About Beverlee Beaz meets Lowree Louise, the Blue Burmese:

Beverlee Beaz, the brown Burmese, longs to share her creative adventures with someone special. When she meets her new sister, Lowree Louise, the blue Burmese, she knows she has found a true friend with whom to play imagination games…if only she can teach the little kitty how.

Join Beverlee in her latest tale as she mentors her sister in the ways of imagination.

Genre: Children's Picture Book, Fantasy, Adventure

Page Count: 53 pages

Follow the tour for exclusive excerpts, reviews, and spotlights.

Exclusive Excerpt:

Purchase Links:


Barnes & Noble:


Meet the Author:

Regan W. H. Macaulay is a multi-award-winning author of novels, short stories, children’s literature, and scripts. Writing is her passion, but she’s also a producer and director of theatre, film, and television. She is an animal enthusiast as well, which led her to become a Certified Canine and Feline Massage Therapist. Other picture storybooks include Beverlee Beaz the Brown Burmese, Chloe the Unfeathered Parrot, Sloth the Lazy Dragon, Dog Band, Libby the Lobivia Jajoiana, Tamara Turtle’s Life So Far, Merry Myrrh the Christmas Bat, and Mixter Twizzle’s Breakfast. She is also the author of middle grade novel series Peter Little Wing. Her Trilogy of Horrifically Half-baked Ham, which includes Space Zombies! (based on her film), They Suck, and Horror at Terror Creek, is a hilarious homage to B-movies and horror comedy for adult readers. Check out Regan’s feature film, Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem!, available on Amazon Prime and DVD.

Meet the Artist:

Wei Lu is an illustrator and graphic designer. She has loved books, cartoons, and fantasy stories since she was a kid. She grew up in China before studying at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. After moving to Toronto, she worked as a graphic designer for three years, but her passion for drawing kept growing. After she illustrated her first book for a children's book author, she realized working with authors to make their characters and stories come alive brought her so much joy and fulfillment. Now she is a freelance illustrator working with authors from Canada and the US to create more great stories for children.


Author Website:


Sunday, 23 February 2025

Author in the Kitchen: Tasty Spiral Cookies and a Chilling Romantic Suspense by Tina Griffith...

I used to make these Pinwheels for my kids when they were in elementary school.  The recipe is pretty easy and quite versatile.  By that I mean, you can flavor and add color to both layers.  Example: add cinnamon or almond flavoring to the chocolate dough, and add peppermint flavoring and pink food coloring to the white one.  Can you imagine eating a purple and green spiral cookie on somebody’s birthday?  Or how about a black and orange cookie on Halloween? 

And just before you put them in the oven, you can also top them with sprinkles, candy shapes, or just plain sugar.  Use your imagination to make the most interesting of cookies for any holiday or celebration, because experimenting is part of the fun with this dough. 

e  Grama Tina’s Spiral Cookies  f

¾ cup of softened butter
1 cup of white sugar
1 large egg
2 teaspoons of vanilla
2 ½ cups of all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon of baking powder
cocoa powder, peanut butter or Nutella - optional
rainbow sprinkles or candy shapes - optional
5 drops of food coloring - red, yellow, pink, orange, black - optional
1 teaspoon of cinnamon, almond, or nutmeg - optional
3 or 4 drops of flavoring - peppermint, lemon, etc. - optional

Preheat oven to 375° F.

Lay parchment paper on 2 large cookie sheets or grease well.  

In large bowl, beat butter with sugar until fluffy.  Then beat in the egg and vanilla.

In a separate bowl, whisk flour with baking powder. Add to butter mixture in 2 additions, stirring until it becomes a soft dough.

Divide dough in half.  Add cocoa powder (and/or cinnamon, peanut butter, Nutella, or mint flavoring).  Mix and set aside.  Now move to the other ball of dough.  Leave this white and add mint or a cinnamon flavoring or any flavoring you like and coloring. Remember - both the colors and flavors should go together well.

Roll each ball out flat, and then place one on top of the other.  Take one end and slowly roll this up into a log.  Length-wise or width-wise determines how large your cookies will be. 

Once you’ve completed rolling the dough, wrap it in plastic and place in the refrigerator until chilled.  This could take up to 2 hours, but you can leave it in the fridge for up to 3 days. 

When you’re ready to bake, take the log out and remove the plastic covering.  Beginning at one end, slice the cookies about ¼” thick and place them on the prepared cookie sheets.  

Bake for about 10 minutes – you want them to be a lovely golden brown.  Let cool and serve. 

**HINT - using a piece of thread instead of a knife, makes it easier to cut the dough.

The chill is in the air and all things that go bump in the night are about to happen. Time to curl up with a good romantic thriller by Tina Griffith.

On Hallow’s Eve, as the veil between the two worlds was thinning, the face of the full moon was lit up like a Christmas tree. The dead would soon come alive, the alive would dress up as the dead, and witchcraft had a way of piggybacking off other spells. This was the ideal night to be a witch, for the effectiveness of all incantations, divinations, and other avenues of magic, was perfect.

Jayla is a clever witch, who had been cursed in her teens by her friend, Ophelia. Since then, she has had to retrieve dark souls from shrewd men in order to survive. While she has taken hundreds of souls in her lifetime, this story is about her trying to take the one which belongs to Roger Casem – the man she accidentally fell in love with.

Could she kill him, as she had done with the others? If she wanted to continue living, she must. But today, when his eyes skimmed her body with unbelievable passion, she began to recognize her own needs. As she blushed and turned her face away from him, Jayla did the only thing she could.

Tina Griffith, who also wrote twenty-seven children's books as Tina Ruiz, was born in Germany, but her family moved to Canada when she was in grammar school.

After her husband of 25 years passed away, she wrote romance novels to keep the love inside her heart. Tina now has eleven romance novels on Amazon, and while all of them have undertones of a love story, they are different genres; murder, mystery, whimsical, witches, ghosts, suspense, adventure, and her sister's scary biography.

Tina has worked in television and radio as well as being a professional clown at the Children's Hospital. She lives in Calgary with her second husband who encourages her to write her passion be it high-quality children's books or intriguing romance.

Stay connected with Tina (Griffith) Ruiz on her Facebook group Tina Speaks Out.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Guest Post: An Ode to Robert Frost and a Winter Anthology by Regency Author Emma Lane...

Robert Frost is one of my favorite poets. At this time of the year his poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening warms me and makes me long for spring. I hope you enjoy the poem and my short inserts.

Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though.
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.


Acknowledge we all long for warmer weather. In the depths of winter with no hope as yet for spring, we assess the year’s past.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

Take stock. What plan worked; what was a dismal failure.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake       
The darkest evening of the year.

Taxes loom, but not yet as the spring catalogs have started to arrive. For this household, it’s time to plan, to dream, to make notes, to check budgets. While the snow whirls and the winds blow, the photographs of new varieties of plants sparkle on the brightly colored pages and wish lists grow down the page. 

Out my window I see long whips of forsythia, buds protruding, waiting for the first peep of spring breezes. I feel a slight thump of adrenalin race through my veins. Am I already behind on my paperwork? Hard winter, after all, lasts only a few weeks. I finish the last stanza of my favorite poet, Robert Frost. He was an avid nature lover as am I. Best ignore those dark, snowy mornings and get to work. The upcoming warm breezes are sirens of temptation and I’ll want to be outside and doing soon.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Here's a peek at Emma's winter anthology for your reading pleasure.

A Wild Wicked Duke
After a cruel family betrayal, Caroline Engelson vows the wicked duke will never regain her love unless he first earns her respect, no matter how fervently she longs for his kisses.

A serious accident delivers the wicked duke into Caro’s care, but she is shocked and hurt when he refers to her teen years as the ‘brat with tangled curls.’ Caro is all grown up now when the wicked duke tries to take advantage of her emotions, even as he turns the orderly household into total chaos with his ducal roars. To his astonishment, his best friend’s sister is made of sterner stuff. The situation changes drastically when Caro learns of a shocking family secret.

A Duke Finds Love
Young love is disrupted and the couple parted, but their unsympathetic parents fail to extinguish the strong bond between the two.

Roseland, left pregnant by the duke’s son, weds a neighbor, mistaking that her lover has been forced to marry another. A war and five years later, the two face a second chance, but despite their deep love for one another, impediments must be faced before happily ever after will be theirs at long last.

Beloved Soldier Returns
A wounded British soldier faces amnesia and frustrating dreams but is finally well enough to reclaim his fiancée and his heritage when a gypsy woman arrives to share an important secret.

Robert Cooper-Hanton, a soldier who fought against Napoleon at Waterloo, is seriously wounded and suffers amnesia but survives in a gypsy camp for three years. Pockets of memory are still missing, leaving him with dreams of people with no names, when he makes the decision to begin his journey home. He has no conscious remembrance of a fiancée he left behind but is not surprised to learn that a cousin has usurped his property. When neighborhood friends reveal the fact of his engagement to Lynda Clarington, his memory of her returns in a flash and he recognizes the woman of his dreams.

Lynda had struggled without much success to accept her loss and is overjoyed to learn that Cooper is alive. She has loved him since childhood, but can she adjust to a man who seems irrevocably changed? When a gypsy woman shows up searching for Cooper, Lynda is plagued with doubt. Will Cooper manage to reunite with his old life and the woman he loves, or will he remain lost in his hazy memories, dreams and a changed reality?

Dark Domino
Sarah Louise and Ethan have loved each other all their lives, but a war and time apart may have jeopardized their relationship.

Ethan has been away at war for six long years—without a single letter to the young girl he left behind. He is certain she has forgotten him, but he is still drawn to her. Dressed for a masquerade in a dark domino, he leads her to the garden and tries to steal a kiss. Sarah does not know why the man in the dark domino is so familiar, and why a stranger should give her a feeling of home. When Ethan reveals his identity, Sarah’s anger and hurt overwhelm even her love. Can a new life be built on the foundations of a first love? Or will the Dark Domino remain alone forever?


Emma Lane
 lives in Western New York where winter is snowy, spring arrives with rave reviews, summer days are long and velvet, and fall leaves are riotous color. 

Emma is a gifted author who writes under several pennames. She writes Regency Romance as Emma Lane, but also delights in dipping into a Contemporary Cozy Romantic Mystery as Janis Lane.

Her day job is working with flowers at the plant nursery where she is part owner. Look for information about writing and plants on her new website. Leave a comment or a gardening question and put a smile on Emma's face. Stay connected to Emma on Facebook and Twitter.




Sunday, 9 February 2025

A Recipe and a Read: A Famous Ukrainian Dish and a Time Travel Romance by Author Stella May...

Borscht is the most famous Ukrainian dish. It is kind of a sour soup common for Eastern Europe. It is low on calories, full of vitamins and minerals, and can be served hot or cold. And you can keep it in your refrigerator for several days. The flavor will only improve. Serve crusty rye bread and butter to complete a terrific dinner or lunch.

There are literally hundreds of different recipes for borscht. Here is my family’s favorite version. I hope you like it too.


1 medium carrot, thinly sliced
1 bell pepper, thinly sliced (optional)
2 medium potatoes, cut into small cubes
1 celery stalk, diced (optional)
1 can diced tomatoes, drained
5 cups low-sodium chicken broth or vegetable stock
3 bay leaves
2 tbsp. fresh dill, minced, or 1 tsp. dried
2 medium beets, washed, peeled and shredded
1 small head cabbage, thinly sliced
salt/ pepper to taste
dill for serving
sour cream for serving 

Arrange the ingredients listed above through the fresh dill into a large pot and bring to a boil.

Reduce the heat, add beets and cabbage. Let simmer until the vegetables are tender. Stir occasionally.

When the soup is almost done, add salt and pepper.

Serve with additional dill and sour cream.


Here is a little from my latest time travel romance for your reading pleasure.

The only way to save their future is risk a journey back to her past.

Time is running out. The message rings in Abby Coleman’s head as clear as the chime of the grandfather clock, her time portal on Amelia Island. Her instincts scream that she must move. Act. But where? And why? 

Through she leaped forward a century in time to live an independent life, she reluctantly admits she needs Alex, the insufferable thorn in her side who had the audacity to make her hope. Dream. Yearn.

Alex is through waiting for Abby to come to her senses. And to his complete surprise, the maddening, beautiful woman admits she loves him. Yet to his everlasting frustration, she refuses to marry until she solves her mystery. 

In a blinding flash of light, the portal spits out a desperate, heavily pregnant Nika, and the reason becomes all too clear. With Abby missing from her own time, Eli stands accused of her murder. The only way to clear his name is for Abby to go where Alex can’t follow—back through the portal. And one passionate night together may be all they’ll ever have.



Talented author Stella May is the penname for Marina Sardarova who has a fascinating history you should read on her website

Stella writes fantasy romance as well as time travel romance. She is the author of 'Till Time Do Us Part, Book 1 in her Upon a Time series, and the stand-alone book Rhapsody in Dreams. Love and family are two cornerstones of her stories and life. Stella’s books are available in e-book and paperback through all major vendors.

When not writing, Stella enjoys classical music, reading, and long walks along the ocean. She lives in Jacksonville, Florida with her husband Leo of 35 years and their son George. They are her two best friends and are all partners in their family business.

Follow Stella on her website and blog Stay connected on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Celebrate YA Author Sharon Ledwith’s Birthday Bash and Save 25% this February…

It’s a bitter-sweet birthday for me this February. Why? Well, unfortunately, 2025 marks the end of an era for my publisher, Mirror World Publishing, as they will be closing up shop at the end of December after eleven years in business. I feel so grateful for connecting with them ten years ago, and I applaud Justine, Robert, Sabrina, and Rhiannon for a job well done! So, without further ado, as February is my birthday month, I usually like to celebrate the whole month by giving my readers a good deal on my books to bulk up on their winter reading. This year is unprecedented, and we’ve never offered this kind of discount before. Starting February 1st and running through until February 28th, ALL my ebooks and books will be on sale for 25% off the listed price through Mirror World Publishing’s online bookstore. This way, readers can pick and choose which books or ebooks they would like to dive into.

The discount code for February's 25% off promotion is BIRTHDAYBASH25. To make this even easier for my amazing readers, here's the link and QR code for the sale which automatically applies the discount:

If you’re interested in a journey to Atlantis or Fairy Falls, check out the covers and blurbs for each book
featured in Mirror World Publishing’s online bookstore. You never know. Maybe you’ll get an intuitive hit of living in Atlantis in a past life, or have a nostalgic feeling of visiting a small tourist town like Fairy Falls where anything is possible. Wink.

The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis (Book #1):

When 13-year-old Amanda Sault and her annoying classmates are caught in a food fight at school,
they're given a choice: suspension or yard duty. The decision is a no-brainer. Their two-week crash course in landscaping leads to the discovery of a weathered stone arch in the overgrown back yard. The arch isn't a forgotten lawn ornament but an ancient time portal from the lost continent of Atlantis.

Chosen by an Atlantean Magus to be Timekeepers--legendary time travelers sworn to keep history safe from the evil Belial--Amanda and her classmates are sent on an adventure of a lifetime. Can they find the young Robin Hood and his merry band of teens? If they don't, then history itself may be turned upside down.

Legend of the Timekeepers (prequel):

Lilith was a young girl with dreams and a family before the final destruction of Atlantis shattered those dreams and tore her family apart. Now refugees, Lilith and her father make their home in the Black Land. This strange, new country has no place in Lilith’s heart until a beloved high priestess introduces Lilith to her life purpose—to be a Timekeeper and keep time safe.

Summoned through the seventh arch of Atlantis by the Children of the Law of One, Lilith and her newfound friends are sent into Atlantis’s past, and given a task that will ultimately test their courage and try their faith in each other. Can the Timekeepers stop the dark magus Belial before he changes the seers’ prophecy? If they fail, then their future and the earth’s fate will be altered forever.

The Last Timekeepers and the Dark Secret (Book #2):

Fourteen year-old Jordan Jensen always considered himself a team player on and off the field, until the second Timekeeper mission lands him in Amsterdam during World War Two. Pulled into the world of espionage, torture, and intolerance, Jordan and the rest of the Timekeepers have no choice but to do whatever they can to stay one step ahead of the Nazis in order to find and protect a mysterious book.

With the help of the Dutch Resistance, an eccentric baron, Nordic runes, and an ancient volume originating from Atlantis, Jordan must learn that it takes true teamwork, trust, and sacrifice to keep time safe from the evils of fascism. Can Jordan find the hero within to conquer the darkness surrounding the Timekeepers? If he doesn’t, then the terrible truth of what the Nazis did will never see the light of day.

The Last Timekeepers and the Noble Slave (Book #3):

Eleven-year-old Drake Bailey is an analytical thinker and the genius of the Timekeeper crew. However, no logic or mathematical acumen can change the color of his skin, or prepare him for this third Timekeeper mission in antebellum Georgia. To survive, Drake must learn to play the role of a plantation slave and when confronted with the brutality, hatred, and racism of the deep south, he’ll have to strategically keep one move ahead of his sadistic captors to ensure his lineage continues.

In a dark world of Voodoo, zombies, and ritualistic sacrifice, the Timekeepers must ensure a royal bloodline survives. Can Drake remove both literal and figurative chains to save both himself and a devout slave girl from a terrible fate? If he can’t summon the necessary courage, humanity could stand to lose one of its greatest leaders.

Lost and Found, Book One: Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls:

The Fairy Falls Animal Shelter is in trouble. Money trouble. It’s up to an old calico cat named Whiskey—a shelter cat who has mastered the skill of observation—to find a new human pack leader so that their home will be saved. With the help of Nobel, the leader of the shelter dogs, the animals set out to use the ancient skill of telepathy to contact any human who bothers to listen to them. Unfortunately for fifteen-year-old Meagan Walsh, she hears them, loud and clear.

Forced to live with her Aunt Izzy in the safe and quiet town of Fairy Falls, Meagan is caught stealing and is sentenced to do community hours at the animal shelter where her aunt works. Realizing Meagan can hear her, Whiskey realizes that Meagan just might have the pack leader qualities necessary to save the animals. Avoiding Whiskey and the rest of shelter animals becomes impossible for Meagan, so she finally gives in and promises to help them. Meagan, along with her newfound friends, Reid Robertson and Natalie Knight, discover that someone in Fairy Falls is not only out to destroy the shelter, but the animals as well. Can Meagan convince her aunt and co-workers that the animals are in danger? If she fails, then all the animals’ voices will be silenced forever.

Blackflies and Blueberries, Book Two: Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls:

City born and bred, Hart Stewart possesses the gift of psychometry—the psychic ability to discover facts about an event or person by touching inanimate objects associated with them. Since his mother’s death, seventeen-year-old Hart has endured homelessness, and has learned ways to keep his illiteracy under wraps. He eventually learns of a great-aunt living in Fairy Falls, and decides to leave the only life he’s ever known for an uncertain future.

Diana MacGregor lives in Fairy Falls. Her mother was a victim of a senseless murder. Only Diana’s unanswered questions and her grief keeps her going, until Hart finds her mother’s lost ring and becomes a witness to her murder.

Through Hart’s psychic power, Diana gains hope for justice. Their investigation leads them into the corrupt world threatening Fairy Falls. To secure the town’s future, Hart and Diana must join forces to uncover the shocking truth, or they risk losing the true essence of Fairy Falls forever.

Remember, this amazing 25% off deal won’t last long! Plus, I can’t think of a better way to ride out the forecast that Mr. Groundhog gives us than relaxing with a good book, a comfortable chair, and cozy blanket. Unless you live in the southern hemisphere and get to enjoy reading by the pool or at the beach. Keep warm (or cool), and I hope you choose to escape to the past and have a blast with me, this February! This will be the last birthday I celebrate with Mirror World Publishing, but I hope that I’ll connect with some new readers moving forward. Cheers, and thank you for taking the time to celebrate my birthday month with me. I appreciate you!