Sunday, 30 April 2023

Cover Reveal: From Here to There, Volume 2 Anthology by Mirror World Publishing...

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the


From Here to There, Volume 2

About From Here to There, Volume 2:

Seven journeys across time, space, and the imagination.

Journeys, space travel, time travel, quests, spaces in between, portals…

In this second volume in the Far, Far Away series, we’ve gathered together the words of seven authors who’ve had the courage to explore the furthest reaches of reality.

Slip between the layers of space and time to discover what lives in the pockets. Find love in the most unexpected of ways and watch it thrive across the tapestry of history. March with the soldiers of a forgotten kingdom as they travel on foot and question the value of life and the hereafter. Then meet the gods and journey with them to correct the timeline of the mortal realm.

In this collection, you’ll get stuck in a time loop you won’t want to leave, experience the revival of an impossible connection between man and machine, and meet the aliens who will make portal-hopping possible in the near future.

So pack your bags for an epic journey and enjoy the trip… From Here to There

Included in the Anthology:

“Embedding” by Elana Gomel
“The Impossible Man” by Kelly D. Holmes
“The Repositioning March” by Buddy Young
“Industrial Honey” by Rhiannon Lotze
“Night Music” by Jane Lupino
“From Above” by Roy Sarkar
“The Harajuku Crevasse” by Taylor Calder.

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Sunday, 23 April 2023

Guest Post: What it take to be an Author in Today's Publishing World by Author Anne Montgomery...

Want to be an Author?

You’ve gotta have grit! 

Would F. Scott Fitzgerald be successful in today’s publishing world?

Being an author is a tough job. OK, maybe not as daunting as the career track those Deadliest Catch folks are on – admittedly, I found myself reaching for the Dramamine more than once watching those crabbing boats being tossed like toys – or Mike Rowe’s gig when he does things like testing shark suits or mucking out sewers on Dirty Jobs.

Still, converting thoughts to printed words in order to tell a coherent story that’s of interest to readers, and then convincing others your efforts are important and well-written enough to publish and promote, well, there are all kinds of adversities mixed up in that endeavor.

I’ve had a number of difficult jobs over the years. I used to be a maid, on my hands and knees cleaning other people’s bathrooms. I was a baseball umpire for 25 years where I was, without question, the most disliked person on the field pretty much every time I stepped on the diamond. As a sportscaster, I was on live television about 2000 times, where, when you make a mistake, there are myriad people who delight in pointing out your errors.

Despite my labors with jobs that didn’t do much toward promoting positive self-esteem, I was definitely not prepared for the rigors of being an author. I’ve written six books: two rest in a drawer, two are published, one will be shortly, and one is a work in progress. Since I began writing 25 years ago, I have been rejected by agents, publishers, editors, and reviewers too many times to count. I’m pretty sure my no-thanks numbers have edged up over the one thousand mark. In fact, I’ve been snubbed so often that I sometimes find myself strangely delighted when I receive a rejection letter that’s, well, kind. A positive comment contained therein might tempt me to tears. (I know I’m not the only one.)

Today, aspiring authors face a different reality than those of the past. The advent of the personal computer and the Internet have paved the way for a huge release of creativity, that, depending on your point of view, is either fabulous or horrifying. On the positive end, anyone can write, self-publish, and post their book on Amazon. It’s estimated that somewhere between 600,000 and one million books are published in the U.S. alone each year, probably half of which are self-published. The other side of the equation is that without the gatekeepers – agents, editors, publishers – finding your gem in that the massive pile of prose is problematic: the proverbial needle in a haystack.

Feeling down yet? All I can say is don’t give into despair. Here’s what I’ve learned from the authors I’ve become acquainted with, my fellow travelers on this detour-filled journey. We are a tough bunch. I have not yet met an author who’s said, “I quit! I can’t take it anymore!” Perhaps that’s why I found a bit of unintended humor at the expense of one of America’s most famous writers: F. Scott Fitzgerald. I recently began watching Z: The Beginning of Everything, a biographical Amazon series based on the life of Zelda Fitzgerald, the writer’s wife and muse. In one of the early scenes, F. Scott opens a letter from a publisher. His book is rejected. And F. Scott, who up until that point was dashing and strong and optimistic, disintegrates into a despondent pile of mush and goes completely off the rails, drunk, depressed, needing Zelda to give him strength. While I know my reaction was not what the show’s writers intended, I couldn’t help it. I felt like laughing. I wanted to yell at F. Scott to pick himself up. Get over it! Move on! Try again!

And then, I wondered whether the famed writer of The Great Gatsby would have survived the complexities of today’s publishing world. And what about Hemingway? Twain? Faulkner? Steinbeck? How might these giants of the industry have navigated the choppy waters we face today?

I think they would have struggled, just like we do.

So, my fellow authors, take heart! Be strong. Be proud. The fact that you’ve even finished writing a book puts you in rarified air. You will survive, if you don’t take rejection personally – Yes, I know it’s hard – and if you have a sense of humor.

Allow me to give you a brief intro to my latest women's fiction novel for your reading pleasure.

The past and present collide when a tenacious reporter seeks information on an eleventh century magician…and uncovers more than she bargained for.

In 1939, archeologists uncovered a tomb at the Northern Arizona site called Ridge Ruin. The man, bedecked in fine turquoise jewelry and intricate bead work, was surrounded by wooden swords with handles carved into animal hooves and human hands. The Hopi workers stepped back from the grave, knowing what the Moochiwimi sticks meant. This man, buried nine hundred years earlier, was a magician.

Former television journalist Kate Butler hangs on to her investigative reporting career by writing freelance magazine articles. Her research on The Magician shows he bore some European facial characteristics and physical qualities that made him different from the people who buried him. Her quest to discover The Magician’s origin carries her back to a time when the high desert world was shattered by the birth of a volcano and into the present-day dangers of archeological looting where black market sales of antiquities can lead to murder.

Former television journalist Kate Butler hangs on to her investigative reporting career by writing freelance magazine articles. Her research on The Magician shows he bore some European facial characteristics and physical qualities that made him different from the people who buried him. Her quest to discover The Magician’s origin carries her back to a time when the high desert world was shattered by the birth of a volcano and into the present-day dangers of archaeological looting where black market sales of antiquities can lead to murder.

Amazon Buy Link

Anne Montgomery has worked as a television sportscaster, newspaper and magazine writer, teacher, amateur baseball umpire, and high school football referee. She worked at WRBL‐TV in Columbus, Georgia, WROC‐TV in Rochester, New York, KTSP‐TV in Phoenix, Arizona, ESPN in Bristol, Connecticut, where she anchored the Emmy and ACE award‐winning SportsCenter, and ASPN-TV as the studio host for the NBA’s Phoenix Suns. Montgomery has been a freelance and staff writer for six publications, writing sports, features, movie reviews, and archeological pieces.

When she can, Anne indulges in her passions: rock collecting, scuba diving, football refereeing, and playing her guitar.

Learn more about Anne Montgomery on her website and Wikipedia. Stay connected on Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Book Tour: City of Ruby; Crimson Winter Volume 3 by Justine Alley Dowsett...

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the virtual book tour for 
Crimson Winter: City of Ruby 
by Justine Alley Dowsett.

Show what makes you weak, so they fear what makes you strong...

About Crimson Winter: City of Ruby:

Reeling after the fall of the Kingdom of Taiyou, Yukari Namikoya and her remaining allies find themselves reduced to scared refugees hidden far below the earth in the Temple of Machalite. The dreaded Lady Lilyth rules in Taiyou now and threatens to bring the whole world under her dominion one piece at a time.

And what the Lady Lilyth can't control, she plans to destroy.

In a desperate bid for the survival and freedom of the various races of Crimson Winter, Yukari must seek to uncover secrets the Vile Emperor has kept hidden for a millenia and in order to do this, she has to journey to the last place she'd ever thought she'd go - the Ruby City.


Young Adult, SciFi, Fantasy, Adventure

Release Date: 

April 17, 2023

Exclusive Excerpt:

The school’s hallways were blissfully quiet and surprisingly bright. Even the red haze seemed to clear from my mind a bit as I caught my breath within the relative safety of Shinjuku High. 

Had I imagined it? Perhaps the red haze was more troublesome than I had originally thought. It seemed as if my imagination was running away with me and creating horrors where there was nothing to fear. I took a deep breath to steady myself and determined I would make a doctor’s appointment tomorrow – even my nightmares were not usually this horrible or vivid. 

For now I had my glasses to find, and if I could also locate my swimsuit then a dip in the pool would certainly make me feel better. Reigning myself in, I strode with purpose toward the new swimming pool complex our school’s student council president had raised the money last year to construct for us. 

As expected, I found my swimsuit in my locker in the girl’s change room, though my glasses were not in there. Changing quickly, I folded my uniform and placed it in the locker, grabbing a towel on my way out to the pool area. Considering the time, I figured that I would have the pool to myself, but surprisingly that wasn’t the case. 

He was waiting there for me, the blonde exchange student. 

At least for a moment it seemed that way, as he looked up expectantly at the sound of my entrance. At first I was tempted to ignore him – being a student of Shinjuku High, he had just as much right to be here as I did – but after a moment I found myself studying him curiously. Why did he seem so very familiar? 

Oddly, he wasn’t wearing swim clothes, but rather he was still dressed in his school uniform from earlier in the day. Had he even gone home yet? 

It occurred to me after a moment perhaps he wanted to swim, but hadn’t yet been provided with a swimsuit from the school. However, the look on his face as he regarded the calm surface of the pool betrayed a deep aversion to water. 

“What are you doing here?” The question escaped me before I even wondered if it would be rude of me to ask.

He looked startled, then immediately confused. “Me? Oh, I…” He stumbled over his words as if embarrassed and I noticed that though he was speaking Japanese, his accent was decidedly foreign, almost Scottish or Irish. “I suppose I just wanted to see it.” 

“See what?” 

He turned his attention back to the pool and gestured vaguely at the clear blue water. 

“Haven’t you ever seen a pool before?” I asked, startled by his answer. 

He shook his head, looking confused. “No, I don’t think I have.” 

I found myself wondering where he had come from and wishing I had paid more attention to his introduction this morning. I opened my mouth to ask him when I was interrupted by the distant, yet unforgettable, sound of a chilling inhuman scream. 

“What was that?!” I asked no one in particular, but he answered me regardless. 

“Lillem.” The word brought up a sudden wall of red fog and I fought to see through it.

Purchase Links:

Mirror World Publishing eBook: 

Mirror World Publishing Paperback: 

Amazon Kindle eBook: 

Amazon Paperback: 

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Meet the Author:

Justine Alley Dowsett is the author of over ten novels, and one of the founders of Mirror World Publishing. Her books, which she often co-writes with her sister, Murandy Damodred, range from young adult science fiction to dark fantasy/romance. She earned a BA in Drama from the University of Windsor, honed her skills as an entrepreneur by tackling video game production, and now she dedicates her time to writing, publishing, and role-playing with her friends.

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Sunday, 16 April 2023

Author in the Kitchen: Eris Field Perese's Healthy Meatloaf Meal and her latest Historical Novel...

It's so easy to misplace things, well it is for me, so I thought I should share this recipe for a great meatloaf dinner before I lost it.

Meatloaf Veggie Dinner
1 lb. ground beef
1 egg, beaten
½ cup finely chopped onion
3 tbsp. ketchup
¾ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. ground pepper
½ can condensed Campbell's tomato soup
¾ cup dry breadcrumbs ( I like Italian ones)
6 small red potatoes
4 garlic cloves, optional
1 tbsp. olive oil
½ tbsp. mixed Italian herbs
Cooking spray 

Meatloaf Topping
½ can condensed tomato soup
3 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp. brown sugar 

Combine ingredients in a small bowl then coat meatloaves with the mixture.  

Preheat oven to 400° F. 

Mix ingredients together, ground beef through breadcrumbs, I use my hands.  Shape into 5 small loaves and place them (not touching) onto the center of the baking pan. 

Wash, dry, and cut into about ½ inch pieces potatoes with skin on.  Add garlic. Sprinkle lightly with olive oil and Italian herbs.  Set aside. 

Spray a shallow baking pan big enough to hold the meatloaves in the center and a mixture of vegetables around the edges. 

Bake 35 minutes.  Check to see that the meat loaves and veggies are done.  Let stand 5 minutes and serve. 


Allow me to share a little of my latest novel, that is close to my heart, for your reading pleasure.

My historical novel-- Lady Munevver: The Opium Merchant’s Daughter-- is set in the Victorian period as England is preparing to enter the War in the East, the Crimean War, to support the Ottoman Empire that has been invaded by Russia.  Russia’s 1853 invasion of Crimea results in three Empires—England, France, and the Ottoman Empire-- declaring war on Russia. It precipitates a disastrous marriage for Lady Munevver. It changes the world with advances in ships and military weapons, the development of the telegraph with its ability to deliver war news almost instantly, and the creation of modern nursing in Scutari Hospital. 

In Surrey, England, the merchant father of beautiful but handicapped Munevver is obsessed with gaining acceptance by the Ton.  Refusing Munevver’s plea to marry her childhood love, William of Yorkshire, he arranges a marriage with James, the dissolute son of an impoverished, hard-handed Duke.

When England is drawn into the Crimean War, James joins the Light Brigade and sails to the Ottoman Empire to fight the invading Russians. After learning her husband has died in Scutari Hospital, an improvised hospital for English soldiers located across the Bosphorus from Constantinople, Munevver, terrified at what her father-in-law might do, flees England. Her destination: the ancient city of Aleppo in the eastern part of the Ottoman Empire where she hopes her uncle will shelter her in his vast trading compound.

Her escape ends in Constantinople when. the Sultan, irate at Queen Victoria’s command that he return the widow of one of her Lords, arranges a marriage for Munevver with Ari, a member of his court. Problem solved.  Munevver is now the wife of an Ottoman citizen. She is invisible.

Banished to the ancient, primitive city of Ankara, the young couple struggles to survive political intrigue, intense cold, and lack of medical care.  After Ari dies of tuberculosis, Munevver is desperate to return to Yorkshire, to her grandfather and to the man she loves, William. But how? Dare she accept the quid pro quo arrangement offered by the most powerful woman in the Ottoman Empire, the Sultan’s mother? 

Available in e-book and paperback.

Amazon Buy Link 

Eris Field
was born in the Green Mountains of Vermont—Jericho, Vermont to be precise—close by the home of Wilson Bentley (aka Snowflake Bentley), the first person in the world to photograph snowflakes. She learned from her Vermont neighbors that pursuit of one’s dream is a worthwhile life goal.

As a seventeen-year-old student nurse at Albany Hospital, Eris met a Turkish surgical intern who told her fascinating stories about the history of Turkey, the loss of the Ottoman Empire, and forced population exchanges. After they married and moved to Buffalo, Eris worked as a nurse at Children’s Hospital and at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.

After taking time off to raise five children and amassing rejection letters for her short stories, Eris earned her master’s degree in Psychiatric Nursing at the University at Buffalo. Later, she taught psychiatric nursing at the University and wrote a textbook for psychiatric nurse practitioners—a wonderful rewarding but never to be repeated experience.

Eris now writes novels, usually international, contemporary romances. Her interest in history and her experience in psychiatry often play a part in her stories. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and the Western New York Romance Writers. In addition to writing, Eris’s interests include Prevention of Psychiatric Disorders; Eradicating Honor Killings, supporting the Crossroads Springs Orphanage in Kenya for children orphaned by AIDS, and learning more about Turkey, Cyprus, and Kurdistan.

Learn more about Eris Field on her website. Stay connected on Facebook.

Sunday, 9 April 2023

Author in the House: Vonnie Hughes on the Mystery of Happiness and a Snippet from Her Suspense Thriller...

Ever wondered what the rationale is for happiness? When you think of it, the things that make some people happy can only make other people sad. For example, a full fridge overflowing with food can be a dieter’s hell. And the moaning sound of a moose in rut, although giving rise to happy enthusiasm on the part of a cow moose, only strikes worry and fear into the hearts of people living on the edges of forests in cooler climates.

Sunrise or sunset? What brings you more happiness? Why? If it’s sunrise, is it the thought of the day to come? What if the sunrise is weak and watery? Does happiness fade in anticipation of a squally, unhappy day? And if sunset toggles your happiness genes…why? Is it the color? Is it the thought of the end of a working day so you can finally relax? Or is it just plain appreciation of nature’s beauty?

Now I take umbrage at the late 20th century insistence on “everybody must be happy” psyche. Why? Why must we be happy? Doctors and psychiatrists say it leads to healthier people. Yeah? What if you’re a healthy athlete with a depression problem? How does that work? Smiling for photos? Yick.

You know what? If I feel sour, leave me alone. Sure, I’m wallowing, but we all need time to wallow. And see – even the word ‘wallow’ has negative connotations. Have you thought about this, that the superficially ‘happy’ upbeat person can be hard to live with, day after day? Shut up, Pollyanna.

Innocent Hostage, is a compelling story with the right amount of twists and turns and red herrings that will keep you enthralled and guessing to the last page. Here's a little to tease you...

Two years ago, Breck Marchant handed his son, Kit, over to his ex-wife, Tania, even though it tore him apart. She knows all about kids. Thanks to his own upbringing, he hasn’t a clue. But when the boy is held hostage, Breck steps up to the plate. Somehow he’ll make this father thing work and hold down his dangerous job at the same time even though the odds are against him.

Ingrid Rowland is Kit’s preschool teacher and she has known Tania for years. As far as she can tell, neither Tania nor Breck know the first thing about being parents. She fears for Kit’s future. When Breck turns to Ingrid for help with his son, she sees a different side of him. As Breck and Ingrid work to protect Kit and hold on to their careers, they begin to work together to fight off a puzzling series of vicious attacks. Then a startling revelation culminates in a murderous turn nobody sees coming.

Toeing the inside of each stair tread he climbed the stairs that led to the bedrooms. As he got near the top, he hesitated. More perfume, different from the smell of soap powder hung in the air. Tania’s perfume, strong and poignant. It was called Chloe. He ought to know. He’d bought enough of the stuff.

He stopped. Was she here? Had she been here? That stuff lingered for a long time. Their apartment had stunk of it for weeks after she’d left.

“Tania?” he whispered.

A disturbance in the air was his only warning. He ducked as something whizzed over the top of his head. Then he was shoved aside as a dark figure pushed past him. Breck clutched at the banisters, his feet shooting out from under him on the slippery carpet. Shit! Scrambling to his feet, he bounced down the last couple of stairs and chased the stocky figure careening down the hallway.

His quarry wrenched open the front door. Dusk had settled and it was almost dark outside. He managed to grab his attacker’s coat and began reeling in the interloper like a fish. But the man wriggled out of his plastic raincoat and fled towards a blue pick-up truck waiting at the curb. His balding head gleamed under the streetlights. Someone inside the vehicle leaned over and flung open the passenger door, revving the engine just as Breck aimed a solid punch at the back of the attacker’s neck. Reeling against the car door, the man half-collapsed on to the front seat of the truck, his legs hanging out the door. The driver floored the accelerator and the blue truck jerked out from the curb as if the driver was unfamiliar with the gears.

The Wild Rose Press - Amazon

Vonnie Hughes is a multi-published author in both Regency books and contemporary suspense. She loves the intricacies of the social rules of the Regency period and the far-ranging consequences of the Napoleonic Code. And with suspense she has free rein to explore forensic matters and the strong convolutions of the human mind. Like many writers, some days she hates the whole process, but somehow she just cannot let it go.

Vonnie was born in New Zealand, but she and her husband now live happily in Australia. If you visit Hamilton Gardens in New Zealand be sure to stroll through the Japanese Garden. These is a bronze plaque engraved with a haiku describing the peacefulness of that environment. The poem was written by Vonnie.

All of Vonnie’s books are available at The Wild Rose Press and Amazon.

Learn more about Vonnie Hughes on her website and blog. Stay connected on Facebook and Goodreads.

Sunday, 2 April 2023

Author Stella May's Delicious Treats and her latest Time Travel Romance Read are on the Menu this Easter...

I've got fellow time travel author and friend, Stella May in my virtual kitchen today, baking up some of her delicious Almond Meringue Cookies just in time for Easter. Perfect to serve at your family gatherings, or tuck into your children's Easter baskets, these sweet treats won't disappoint, but will disappear! So, without further ado, I'm handing off the spatula. Take it away, Stella...

This recipe for a classic meringue dessert is easy to prepare and wonderful to eat. My family loves these cookies as a sweet after a good dinner. If you choose to use vanilla extract, you’ll have a classic méringue desert called La Bise (kiss in French). Bon appetite! 

Almond Meringue Cookies
4 egg whites, cold eggs right from the fridge
Pinch of salt
¾ or 1 cup of white sugar (I use organic raw cane sugar)
1 tbsp. almond or vanilla extract
12 whole almonds

Preheat oven to 200° F.

You need a hand or standing mixer. Mix egg whites and salt on high-speed to the consistency of dense foam.

Add sugar by small portions, mixing well. Try not to stop your mixer while adding sugar. Add almond extract.

Cover cookie sheet with parchment. Spoon mixture into 12 cookies. You can use an ice-cream scoop.  Place one whole almond on top of each cookie.

Bake for 1 hour. Lightly touch the cookie. It will have a firm crust and a soft center. That’s ideal. Turn off the oven and leave the cookies inside the oven for 1 hour.

Remove from the oven to cool completely. Enjoy!

Here's a little to intrigue you on Stell May's latest time travel romance.

After months of working like a woman possessed, Nika Morris kept her promise. Coleman House is finished. It’s gorgeous. Spectacular. Brilliant.

It’s breaking her heart.

Because once the new owners move in, she’ll be cut off from the time portal to 1909, where she met and fell in love with Eli Coleman. Now stranded in her own time, she’s waited months for the key to reappear in its hiding place. Only it hasn’t. Which means Eli must have believed the terrible things she was accused of.

Back in 1909, Eli is stunned at his best friend’s deathbed confession of a shocking betrayal. Nika—his Daisy, his time-traveling wonder—was innocent. Once he finds the key, he wastes no time stepping through the portal, determined to make things right.

But the moment Eli stumbles into her shiny, noisy, confusing future, he realizes reconciliation won’t be simple. There is more than one emotional bridge to rebuild before he and Nika can return to the time their love was born—and live their destiny out to the fullest.

Amazon Buy Link

Talented author Stella May is the penname for Marina Sardarova who has a fascinating history you should read on her website

Stella writes fantasy romance as well as time travel romance. She is the author of 'Till Time Do Us Part, Book 1 in her Upon a Time series, and the stand-alone book Rhapsody in Dreams. Love and family are two cornerstones of her stories and life. Stella’s books are available in e-book and paperback through all major vendors.

When not writing, Stella enjoys classical music, reading, and long walks along the ocean. She lives in Jacksonville, Florida with her husband Leo of 35 years and their son George. They are her two best friends and are all partners in their family business.

Follow Stella on her website and blog Stay connected on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.