Let's give a big Camp Bigfoot hello to S. J. Henderson's brand new Middle Grade novel, DANIEL THE CAMP-ER! Stick around the bonfire, here, to learn more about this deliciously fantastic tale, and be sure to enter the giveaway below for your chance to win a $10 Amazon card or your very own copy of DANIEL THE CAMP-ER.
Now grab a S'more and let's get this party started...
Ten Facts about DANIEL THE CAMP-ER and S. J. Henderson
1. Daniel doesn’t have a last name, just a last initial.“A.”This is a nod to my grandparents, who have been called “Mr. and Mrs. A” my entire life. Someday I will give Daniel a last name, but today is not that day.
2. Daniel’s best friend, Annie, was inspired by a girl my ten-year-old son has been friends with since kindergarten.I once read part of DANIEL THE DRAW-ER for her class then told them Annie was based on their classmate. I had to backtrack and make sure her class knew she doesn’t enjoy eating worms, like Annie.She does, however, love peanut butter.
3. I have never eaten a worm or an insect (not on purpose, at least).My older sister once ate a palmetto bug, though.Palmetto bugs are super icky.
4. When I was little, my friend and I used to pretend we ran a radio station. We tape recorded our conversations and made-up commercials.Our station’s call letters?WBUG.
5. Unlike Daniel, I really like Shepherd’s Pie and meatloaf.
6. If Sap was real, he would have mistaken me for one of Doctor Short Shorts evil cohorts.Someday I will be fashionable again.
7. If I was in a talent show and given the choice between singing and dancing, I would sing. I have two left feet.
8. When I was writing the part about the spider dropping from the ceiling of the Chipmunk cabin, a spider actually dropped down from my ceiling.
9. Glitter Pony and I have one thing in common: I wanted to be a pony until I was about eleven years old.I insisted people call me “Crazy Horse” and galloped around the house.
I have never done a Trust Fall.We were supposed to do them at sixth grade camp, but my mom wouldn’t let me stay overnight there,
so I missed out.I’m super sad about that (not really).
About the Series
DANIEL THE CAMP-ER is the second book in the DANIEL THE DRAW-ER series. The first book in the series, DANIEL THE DRAW-ER, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and as an audiobook on Audible and iTunes.
Although Daniel’s adventures were written for boys and girls between 6 and 12, readers of all ages have found themselves swept up in these silly and imaginative stories. Fans of Captain Underpants and Diary of a Wimpy Kid will appreciate the humor in the DANIEL THE DRAW-ER books, and parents and teachers will appreciate the lack of potty humor and themes of friendship and loyalty. And fun. Can’t forget fun.
There are a few simple rules Daniel follows.
Rule One: never let an adult see your weakness. Daniel made that mistake and look where he ended up—summer camp.
Rule Two: never make fun of the person who feeds you, unless you like Miss Gunderson’s peppery pancakes and green hamburgers.
Rule Three: stay away from girls who love
Glitter Ponies. They have cooties, after all.
And Rule Four: never, ever lose your magic pencil.
But Daniel has broken all of his own rules. Now he’s stuck and starving at Camp Bigfoot with the school bully as his bunkmate and an ooey-gooey girl who won’t leave him alone. If all of that wasn’t bad enough, his prized possession, a pencil that brings his drawings to life, has gone missing and wacky creatures are popping up all over camp.
Can Daniel survive Camp Bigfoot and find his magic pencil before it’s too late?
Annie catches up with me as I creep closer to the edge of the forest. Her eyes grow wide. “Why is there a moose wearing a cowboy hat here?”
“He likes soccer?” I shrug. “And that’s a sombrero, not a cowboy hat.”
“Whatever it is, I know you did this, Daniel. Are you
“I didn’t mean to, but I must’ve grabbed the wrong pencil when I was getting my things ready. Oops.”
oops.” She rubs her face with her hands. “At least he looks friendly and doesn’t shoot laser beams from his eyes.”
I cringe. “Oops.”
“What do you mean, ‘oops’?” Annie latches onto me with her fingers and squeezes so tight my arm goes numb for a second. I wish people would hurt me in other places besides just my arms. There are lots of other parts of my body they could pick, but
no. Everyone picks the arm, which gets super-sore, and then I start drawing stuff like a-moose-that-should-be-a-bear. So, if you ask me, this isn’t my fault.
The moose lifts up his head and snorts, sending balls of green flame into the dirt.
“Oops,” I say again, flashing a guilty smile.
Annie ducks behind me to protect herself from the moose’s attack. “Erase it, Daniel.”
Which is what I mean to do, really. I have the eraser on the pencil line making up the moose’s right nostril when he looks me right in the eye and says, “Stop! Please!”
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Meet S. J. Henderson
S. J. Henderson is the author of the DANIEL THE DRAW-ER series, as well as several not-yet-published Young Adult novels.
S. J. lives in Michigan with her husband and four wild boys. When she is not writing about talking cats and magic pencils, S. J. can usually be found riding one of her family’s horses or drinking a little bit of coffee with her creamer.
Connect with S. J.