Monday 2 March 2015

Clear the Chess Board…

There are times when we just gotta clear the chess board and begin the game again with new and improved strategies. Whether it’s in your life or in your work, sometimes you need to shake things up, see what’s left standing, and bulldoze the rest.

If you haven’t already found out through the social media or other blog announcements, Musa Publishing—my publisher of 3½ years—decided to close their virtual doors for good on February 28th, 2015. It was truly a sad day indeed, not only for the scores of authors who had their books published through Musa, but for the editors, book formatters, promotion specialists, and the five owners who put their blood, sweats, and tears into the company. I will always be grateful for Musa Publishing kick-starting my writing career. ALWAYS.

Thankfully, The Last Timekeepers time travel series was picked up immediately by another publisher. Again, I’m on the ground floor of a young publishing company who will bring my books to the next level, and a wider audience. Last week I signed two contracts with Mirror World Publishing for The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis, and the prequel to the series, Legend of the Timekeepers. Both books will be available for purchase worldwide in paperback and ebook format this summer. I’m so excited about this opportunity to reach new readers, continue on with my series, and create something of value to make people of all ages smile.

The chess board has been reset. The game has begun. 


  1. So happy your found a home for your books already. I'm looking but haven't found a publisher yet.

    1. Thank you, Susan! Don't worry, the right publisher will FIND you! Best wishes!

  2. Hi Sharon, as a fellow MWP author, I congratulate and welcome you!

    1. Cheers, Adam! Is there a hazing ceremony? Wink. Appreciate your kind wishes!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Nothing too brutal, you just have to follow my blog :)

    4. Done. But I may have chipped a finger nail...

  3. Glad to see everything working out for you, Sharon.

    1. I appreciate your kind wishes, Steve! There are no accidents, and everything happens for a reason. Cheers and thanks for stopping by!

  4. Sharon, Sorry for the changes you had to go through, but so happy that you were immediately picked up by another publisher! Onward and upward!! I imagine a lot of us will deal with something similar at some point in time. All the best to you!!

    1. Thank you, Brenda, I appreciate your kind wishes and support! Let's hope it doesn't happen too often. Cheers!

  5. I too am sorry you (and all the others) have to start again. I'm happy you've found a new home, but I lament the loss of the first publications. I'm here for you, eager to help with the re-launch in any way I can.

    1. I so appreciate your offer, Kai, and will definitely be knocking on your virtual doors for guest posts and book launching! Hugs!

  6. Great post, Sharon. Back in the game and ready to write. Sounds like your new publisher is taking your books to the next level. Cheers!

    1. Thank you, Rita! To infinity and beyond! LOL! Here's hoping Snooper and the gang will join The Last Timekeepers! Wink.

  7. So pleased you found another publisher so quickly. We really do have to be ready for anything in this writing game! :)

    1. True that, Darlene! I feel quite blessed to have found a publisher that fast! I guess it's the nature of the business beast! Cheers for your kind support!
