Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Spreading the Good News…

First, I’d like to announce the winners of the Goodreads Giveaway and the Gift Card Giveaway Hop! Drum roll please…and the winners are…

Goodreads Giveaway goes to Maria Gonzalez! Congratulations, Maria, your limited edition signed paperback of The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis is in the mail. Thank you for entering the giveaway, and I hope you enjoy my labor of love.

Gift Card Giveaway of a $10 Musa Publishing gift certificate goes to Kate Smythe! Virtual high fives for the score, Kate! Now you’ve got the tough job of choosing the eBooks you want to stuff onto your ereader! Thank you for stopping by on the hop to enter, and enjoy your choices!
Okay, now for the BIG NEWS! I’ve just signed another contract with Musa Publishing to publish the prequel to the Last Timekeepers series, entitled Legend of the Timekeepers. This book is in Lilith’s point of view, when she was a young teen. The story takes place after the destruction of Atlantis, and introduces readers to the charming, and oh-so-evil Belial. There’s no release date set, so please be patient and stay tuned for further announcements on my blog, facebook page or tweets.

I also want to wish everyone happy holidays and may 2013 bring you and your loved ones peace, prosperity, health, and happiness throughout the year. Cheers, blessings, and salute!


  1. Congratulations to Maria and Kate!

    A HUGE CONGRATS to you, Sharon!!! I'm really excited for you.:)

    Beautiful Holiday to you and yours.

  2. Congrats on the contract, Sharon. I'm working on a prequelish idea too. We'll see what comes of it.

    1. Cheers, Jane! I found it a lot of work, but fun, and helped fill in a lot of gaps for readers of the series.

  3. Thank you, Lisa and Sloane! Happy holidays to you both!

  4. Yay, Sharon! Huge congratulations on your new contract!!!!!!

  5. Wonderful news, Sharon. Toot away!

  6. High five, Sara, and Amaleen - I'm still tooting! Woo hoo!

  7. Congrats Sharon, and YAY for the winners, Maria and Kate.
