Friday 21 December 2012

Full Paradigm Shift…

It’s here. The end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The Mayan calendar is finished. Done. Dead. Gone. Now what? Now it’s time to wipe the slate clean and move forward with all your newfound knowledge. Kind of like Dorothy finally returning home to Kansas with no flying monkeys to deal with! Remember – you are here because time has carried you here to fulfill your purpose. It also helps to know that there’s a plan, and you’re part of that plan!

It’s not an accident (BTW- there are no accidents) that you were born at this specific time in history, in the specific place you live. This is a time of immense opportunity. You are here to seize the day; to see the condition the world is in, and act to change it; to see that the world is a reflection of your own inner beliefs and use that reflection to face your own shadow; to use the power of your mind to create a new reality. These are truly exciting times for all of us!
Your past thoughts, actions, and beliefs have brought you to this moment in time for a reason. Knowing this deep in your core is part of living from your higher self. There’s an old Hopi saying: “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” The Mayans also have a saying: “You are the pyramid and the pyramid is you.” Smart people those Hopis and Mayans!

So, as you buckle down for the major transformation that’s taking place now, know that the old order must dissolve to make way for the new. Expect the unexpected! I wish you peace, prosperity, happiness, and wisdom in this brave new world. Be the change you want to see.


  1. Beautifully inspiring, Sharon. :-)

    1. Thanks, Amaleen! Wishing you all the best in this new cycle! Cheers!

  2. All the best to you in the new age ~ Fifth World, Sharon! :)

  3. Thanks for the inspiring post!

  4. Thank you, Joanna and Dusty! Wishing you both a wonderful new year! Let the change begin!

  5. Thanks for this, Sharon. Wishing you a fantastic new year!

    1. Glad you survived the hype, Rhea! Happy New Year!
