Friday 4 May 2012

The Last Timekeepers Series Kick-Off Contest

Cheers, it’s Luke Skywalker Day— so, “May the fourth be with you,” everyone! On that note, I wanted to gear up for my middle-grade/YA time travel ebook release, The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis debuting on May 18th through Musa Publishing by kicking off this month with a contest to create mass frenzy. Or at least pique your interest. Plus you could win this stylish sports watch—the same color as my book cover— pictured below, and a copy of my ebook. Are we having fun yet? Hope so!

Okay, the rules are simple and easy: Do one or more of the tasks indicated in the Rafflecopter widget. At the end of the contest—aka launch day—Rafflecopter will choose a winner. Note: Winner is restricted to residents living in either Canada or the United States. The international winner will receive a $10 gift certificate from Musa Publishing. Good luck, readers!

Oh, and if you’re not sure if this book fits your reading tastes:

Here’s the blurb:

When Amanda Sault and her four classmates are caught in a major food fight at school, they are given the choice of suspension or yard duty. It was a no-brainer. A two-week crash course in landscaping leads the kids to discover a weathered stone arch buried in an overgrown backyard. Instead of a forgotten lawn ornament, it turns out to be an ancient time portal from the lost continent of Atlantis. Chosen by an Atlantean Magus to be Timekeepers—legendary time travelers sworn to keep history safe from an evil force—the five children, along with two offbeat adults, are sent on the adventure of their lives to save the Earth from an uncertain future. The Timekeepers’ first mission lands them in England in 1214, where they must find an adolescent Robin Hood and his band of merry teens before history is turned upside-down.

Here’s the excerpt:

Amanda Sault silently studied the words she just scrawled: May 1st, 1214—Games and songs and revelry, act as the cloak of devilry. So that an English legend may give to the poor, we must travel to Nottingham to even the score.
She frowned. She was the Scribe. Amanda knew that meant she was supposed to understand what this riddle meant. But she didn’t have a clue. All she knew was that she, her four annoying classmates, and two offbeat adults were standing in what was left of the lost continent of Atlantis and they were supposed to be the Timekeepers, the legendary time travelers handpicked by destiny to keep Earth’s history safe from evil. But no one had told them how they were supposed to do it.

Their problem: no matter what happened—good or bad—they weren’t supposed to mess with the past. Period. Dot. End of story. Amanda felt hot liquid build in her throat. Her thumb traced the words of the arcane riddle. Their first Timekeeper mission. Amanda knew this wasn’t the end of the story.

This was just the beginning.

And now, let the contest begin…
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Good luck with the competition. What a great idea. I'm waving my flag for you and your book across the pond.

    1. Amaleen - Are you for hire as a publicist? Wink. Actually you'd make a great one! Thanks for your support! Cheers!

    2. good luck sounds like an interesting book

  2. I love food fights! I'm happy that you wrote about one, although I see that the kids got into trouble. Can't wait to read the book.

  3. Best of wishes for your upcoming release! Very exciting : )

  4. Sounds awesome! I love time travel stories!

  5. Congrats, Sharon! Looking forward to reading my very own copy.:)

  6. Thanks so much everyone, for all your support and encouragement! Cheers and kudos all around!

  7. This is the 1st time I've gotten to read the blurb. I love the sound of this. Can't wait for it.

    1. Thanks for your vote of confidence, June! I aim to please!

  8. Whether I win or not, I'm planning to read this, Sharon. Sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. Thanks, Margaret! Hope you enjoy my labor of love!

  9. Sounds great, Sharon, and good luck with the launch! :)

    1. Thank you, Joanna! Can't believe it's in five days! I feel like I'm going into space!

  10. let's be cheesy canucks and say "take off eh on launch day.
