Friday 18 May 2012

Book Release! Baby, You're A Firework...

Woo hoo! It’s here, after sixteen years of dreaming of being a published author, it’s finally here! The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis is now released as an ebook! I’ve put a lot of thought into what I wanted to do for this special blog post. First, because it’s Victoria Day weekend here in Canada—I used to call it Firecracker Day Weekend when I was a little girl—I’d like to start off with a happy, enthusiastic song, compliments of Katy Perry…

Next, I’d like to announce the winner of The Last Timekeepers Series Kick-Off Contest as chosen by Rafflecopter. Drum roll please…and the winner is Rachel Marks! Congratulations, Rachel!
Third, and finally, I wanted to include what I had written for the Dedication and Acknowledgements section in my book because it’s so important to be grateful to those people who have supported me throughout this venture, and will most likely continue to do so in the future. So, without further ado, here’s the icing on my proverbial cake:

For Michael. My partner, my pillar, my post.

Life is a team effort. Period. Nothing is done without the help and support of others. The following people are in some way connected to the fabric of this work, to which I am eternally grateful:
Thank you to the staff at Musa Publishing, who have made this debut as painless as possible and have given me a chance to shine. Special thanks to my editor Kathy Teel, who through her patience and prodding, helped whipped my words into shape and substance. To my book designer Coreen Montagna, and my cover artist Kelly Shorten, whose creative visualization gave my book a presence in this the world.

Thank you to my family: my hubby Mike, my mother Margaret, my children Michelle, Jennifer, and Brandon. And to my brothers Gregg and Ian, who’ve given me lots of writer-fodder throughout our informative years.
Thank you to my prodders and teachers: Mrs. Greer, my seventh grade teacher, Jackie Hart, my BFF, Leslie Colwell, who got me into this mess in the first place, Tom Arnett, my first writing teacher, Barbara White and Sheila Nollert, my writing circle cohorts, Brian Henry, my writer workshop teacher, my first beta-reader Kelsey Bolt and my last beta-reader Kristian Gallant, and all the authors who I have connected with and have supported me in this wonderful venture —you know who you are.

And to my countless relatives and friends who kept asking when they were going to see ‘that’ book. To them, I say, it’s here, it’s finally here!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS, SHARON!!! Wishing you thousands of sales.

    I LOVE your new website. It's gorgeous and easy to maneuver.

    1. Thanks, Sloane! Drinks are on the dock, tonight! Cheers!

  2. A big congratulations on your special day. I wish you much success, and large royalty checks. ;-)

    1. Thank you, Am, you're the best! Join Sloane and I on the dock tonight (even if it's in your mind)! Cheers to you!

  3. Congrats and wishing you mountains of success!

    1. Alan - thank you for that warm pat on the back!

  4. Whoopwhoop! You made it! Let those fireworks fly! You chased the dream until it caught you. Well done and my heartfelt admiration for your excellent effort!

    C.K. Garner

    1. C.K. - The fireworks did fly! We've ended the night with a fireworks show. It was spectacular! Thank you for your awesome comments and support!
