Monday 1 January 2018

Authors: Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail…

Happy New Year! Usually, I start off the beginning of a new year blogging about my upcoming plans and projects. Lots has happened over the course of 2017, and I seem to be on course when it comes to my writing career. I have a lot of people to thank for that! My publisher, Mirror World Publishing. My family. My friends. My author colleagues. My community and local businesses. And especially my readers and followers! So yay to all of you, and give yourselves a pat on the back for helping me make my goals and dreams a realty. Thank you!

That said, no author is an island, and we must realize our books possess not only pieces of our souls, but the collective souls of everyone who have helped us along in the process of writing and publishing our books. The best advice I can give any writer striving to publish their work someday, or an author with a backlist of books is to make a PLAN, and STICK with it. Every December, I go over my Master Business and Life Plan to check off what I’ve accomplished, tweak what still needs to be done, add other tasks, and see what worked and what didn’t for me. I’m still not where I want to be when it comes to book sales (I know I’m not alone there!), but one day I will be IF I stick with the plan.

One of my main goals every year is to publish a book and write a book. This works for me. I know other authors who pump out words like there’s no tomorrow, and write about two to four books a year. That’s not me. It will never be me. And I’m good with that. Comparing myself to other authors is a creativity killer. And I won’t do that to myself. Know what you can handle and do that, despite what your other writing friends are doing. We all get to where we need to be on our own steam, in our own way. So cut yourself some slack and enjoy the ride. That’s not to say I don’t have authors who are my pacesetters (where I’d like to be in the future). These are the successful writers I learn from, watch from afar, and listen to their advice. Remember: success always leaves clues!

Book marketing and promotion seems to be an enigma for me. And I’m sure I’m not alone. One writer’s way of scoring big money and fame from their book sales may not work for another author. I find I’m very successful with Goodreads Giveaways. I get many entries when I host a giveaway for one of my books. I do this about three to four times a year, and receive as many as 4000 to 5000 readers who enter. Not bad numbers! However, I wish these stats would translate into sales! Wink. I also try to do a few book signings throughout the year at craft shows, book fairs, charities or businesses, but that’s more about exposure and meeting readers.

I really do believe that the biggest thing an author can do for his or her career is to build their backlist. More books. More exposure. Different genres. Different readers. Multiple book series. Multiple audience reach. This way you create an emotional bond with your readers, and they in turn trust your work and tell their reader friends about you! Now that’s a win-win in my book!

So, what can you expect from Sharon Ledwith this year? Glad you stuck around! I’m so happy to share with you that, Blackflies and Blueberries, the second book in Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls teen psychic mystery series will be published this year through Mirror World Publishing. The publication date has yet to be discussed, but I’m so looking forward to seeing this book series grow! I’ll also be the guest of honor at the Twisted Apron in Windsor, Ontario, on January 15th as part of ‘A Taste of Literacy’. This is a fundraiser for the Windsor International Writers Conference, and the idea is that the restaurant’s chef prepares a five course meal based on the setting of an author’s book. In my case, Lost and Found, Book One of Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls will be featured. Cottage cuisine anyone? I’ll also be working on the next installment of The Last Timekeepers series entitled, The Last Timekeepers and the Noble Slave throughout 2018, and this book should be ready for publication in 2019. Seems like I’ve got my work cut out for me already!

I’m sure there’ll be more add-ons to my plan during the course of the year, so the best way to know what’s going on in my writing world is to follow this blog for the latest news or check out my website to find out what books I presently have published. I’m also on Facebook and Twitter, and post a lot of helpful articles for all you writers out there. I’d like to wish you and your family all the best in 2018, and as always thank you for reading my post! I truly appreciate it! Cheers!


  1. Happy New Year, Sharon! Here's hoping you'll write many words and have many sales in the new year! :)

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa! Wishing the same for you too! All the best in 2018!

  2. You are so organized. I envy you. I recognize several of those plans...I do follow a sort of routine. Good luck, neighbor from the N. Happy New Year.
    Emma Janis

    1. LOL, thanks, Emma! Wishing you all the best in 2018!

  3. Ambitious plans, Sharon! Best of success moving forward!

    1. Cheers, Helen and Lorri! Go Big or stay home! Wink. All the best in 2018!

  4. I am sure you will achieve your goals for 2018 Sharon. Wishing you the very best.

    1. Thanks so much, Susan! I wish you health, happiness, and wealth (loads of book sales!) in 2018! Cheers!

  5. Excellent post Sharon! I so agree with you. All the best for 2018!!

  6. I appreciate your feedback, Darlene! Thank you! Wishing you a fabulous year filled with health, happiness, and wealth! Cheers!
