Monday 2 February 2015

Books: Products or Experiences…

As an author I had to ask myself this question: do we sell a product (book) or an experience (memory)? I recently read a marketing post where there was a study conducted in which people were asked if they would prefer to purchase a product (car, couch, etc.) or an experience (holiday, concert, etc.), and guess what most said? Yup. You guessed it. An experience.

So this got me to thinking that authors have it pretty good. Yes, we sell a product whether it’s a book or an ebook or an audio-book or all three. We still have to market and promote these ‘products’ in order for our consumers (readers) to find them. But once our books are in the hands of readers, magic happens and they’re whisked away into another place, and another time. We authors create an experience for each of our readers. And that’s the payoff. Experiences tend to have a lasting effect on people. Sure, buy a car and you’ve got that new car smell for about a year. But I bet you remember going to your first concert, don’t you? Or maybe your first trip to Disneyland? I certainly do.
If you purchase a book, true you may lose it, but I guarantee you that story will stay with you for years to come if the tale hits an emotional cord. And isn’t that why we authors are in this vocation to begin with?

And since February is my birthday month, I’m hoping to generate lasting memories for readers by offering two Goodreads Giveways. One for The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis, and one for the prequel to my time travel series, Legend of the Timekeepers. BTW—both giveaways are international so no one is left out in the cold! Happy Birthday to me!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis by Sharon Ledwith

The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis

by Sharon Ledwith

Giveaway ends February 25, 2015.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Legend of the Timekeepers by Sharon Ledwith

Legend of the Timekeepers

by Sharon Ledwith

Giveaway ends February 25, 2015.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win


  1. Tweeted! Who wouldn't want some awesome free books? :-D

  2. I never thought about it that way but I too love those experiences.

    1. Me too, Susan! Some of the best books I've read still keep me smiling!

  3. Happy Birthday, Sharon! You opened my eyes, yet again, to a new aspect of writing and life. Thanks!

    1. Thank you, Sloane! Glad you enjoyed my post! Appreciate all your support, Wench! Hugs!

  4. Happy Birthday, Sharon! But didn't we just celebrate a birthday with you? Time is speeding by. I wish you the best--in writing and life. Or maybe the writing life?

    1. LOL, I'll take both versions, Jan! Yup, another year has flown by! Thanks for your kind wishes!

  5. Hmmm...what a thought provoking post. I think you've struck on why authors are often revered as rock stars to the bookworms of the world. Because it is an emotional connection. Happy birthday, lady.

    1. Yup, Kai! It's how we make people feel that's important. Thanks for your birthday wishes! Cheers!

  6. Happy birthday, Sharon.

    Interesting post--do you think buying a car could also be an experience? Perhaps not the most favorite of experiences in some cases (dealing with...shudder...the dreaded negotiation), but in others, such as a first car...well, that's an experience for sure!

    1. You're right, especially if it's your dream car! Even your first home can create warm and wonderful experiences. Hugs for stopping by Helen and Lorri, and thanks for your comments! Cheers!

  7. Happy Birthday Sharon !
    I remember very clearly some of the events in books that I read when I was a mere slip of a girl (a long time ago)
    Hope the promotion goes well. Tweeted and shared .

    1. Thank you, Susan! Glad to hear you think reading is an experience that we remember for years to come. Big hugs!

  8. Great post, Sharon. Great way to celebrate your birthday. Wish I'd have thought of that, since we share birthdays. *wink, wink* But that's why you da best!

    1. Oh, yes we do! I'm so sorry, big sis, I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Next year, you get to be the party girl! Hugs and thanks for your kind words!
