Monday 9 June 2014

Feeling Down? Try Thinking UP with these 9 Guidelines for Successful Living…

How do you want to be remembered at the end of your journey? If you’re like me, most of us hope for a successful life and to have made an impact on those around us. To have no regrets, to make a difference, and wipe our karma slate clean. Some manage to do this, while others fall terribly short. To achieve the success you’re looking for, here are some simple—dare I say UPSTANDING— guidelines you can put into practice every day:

Wake UP to the OPPORTUNITIES and pleasures that life offers you. Always seek out the silver lining that forms around the clouds of your life. Every situation has the potential to add something to your life if you’re brave enough to seek it out.

Dress UP your face with a SMILE. It’s the best exchange of positive energy around! A smile will allow others to be welcomed into your life. So go on and get cracking!

Button UP your mouth. There is a reason why you’ve been given two ears and one mouth. We’re meant to LISTEN more than we speak.

Stand UP for what you BELIEVE in. Be a person of principles and live them. Don’t let others control how you act or what you believe. Be true to yourself. A person of principle will always have more long term impact and a positive influence.

Look UP and set your sights HIGHER. Never be content to wallow in mediocrity. People who set a higher standard of excellence also experience a heightened sense of being alive.

Reach UP and strive for higher goals and bigger DREAMS. Your dreams and goals will provide you with a passion and the motivation to excel.

Lift UP and ENCOURAGE others by helping them feel CONFIDENT in themselves. A positive word or kind act to someone down in the dumps could uplift them immediately. Remember that real success comes with the help of others.

Give it UP and leave the past behind. The past is not the FUTURE unless you make it so. Stop being afraid of failure, or making a mistake, or of what others may, or may not think. Life is way too short for that. We cannot live in the past, we must always be moving ahead.

Gear UP and get excited! Be ENTHUSIASTIC! People love to be around those who show excitement for life. Besides, I believe it was Ralph Waldo Emerson who once said, “Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm.” True that, Ralph!

I hope these guidelines will SERVE you well. Thank you for reading my blog. If you have time, please leave a comment and share what you do to keep UP. Cheers!


  1. Great list, Sharon. I live life in such a way to avoid as many regrets as possible, so I tend to end up talking myself into things I otherwise wouldn't have the fortitude to do.

    (And that "button up" lesson is an important one for a lot of us.)

    1. Thanks, Holley! I figured that 'Button UP' tip would be popular. LOL!

  2. Excellent post, Sharon. I'm a firm believer in giving back and that hate destroys the hater. But I do have a little trouble with clamping my lips shut.LOL

    1. Me and you both, Sloane! And yes, what goes around comes around, so putting out the positive serves us too! Hugs!

  3. Great post, Sharon. I shared and tweeted.

    1. Thank you, Krysten! I appreciate your support and kindness! Cheers!

  4. Gratitude! Don't forget about being grateful for all that is in your life! Gratitude is also a great way lift yourself UP!
    Thanks Sharon, LOVE this!

    1. Agreed, Karrie! It's not about is the glass half full or half empty, it's that you've got a glass to begin with! Cheers and thanks!

  5. Thanks for the inspiration, Sharon! Gotta share this post!

    1. I appreciate your support, Lynn! Thanks and cheers!

  6. Perfect list. One we need to post and refer to often!

    1. You can say that again, Darlene! Life is such a Ferris wheel full of ups and downs. We need to focus more on our ups, then downs! Cheers!

  7. Great list! Button up is certainly my favorite and one I need to practice more often :-)

    1. Ha, I think that one is a favorite, Alan! Cheers for reading and commenting!
