Thursday, 24 April 2014

Keep your Eyes Opened for my Upcoming Anniversary Celebration…

A Celebration fit for a High Priestess
Since the month of May is the official ‘Anniversary’ month for my first published book’s release with Musa Publishing, I thought every year in May I’d do something special to give back to my readers. This year is no exception as I’m celebrating my 2nd Anniversary as a published author! Woo hoo!

Here’s a glimpse of what I’m planning:

I’ve already set up two Goodreads giveaways, one for The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis the first book in my middle grade/young adult time travel series, and for Legend of the Timekeepers, the prequel to this series. The giveaway begins May 1st at midnight and runs until midnight on May 19th, so there’s plenty of time to enter for a chance to win one of my signed paperbacks, trading cards, and bonus wrist bands.

I’m also having a book sale exclusively on Musa Publishing’s website. It’s a BOGO sale! BUY one, get one FREE! Again, this great deal starts at midnight on May 1st and runs until midnight on May 19th just like the Goodreads giveaway. Two books for the price of one? Can’t beat that!

Oh, and that’s not all! I’m going to be participating in the Children’s Book Week Kid Lit Giveaway Hop happening May 12th to May 18th. The book hop is hosted by Mother-Daughter Book Reviews and Youth Literature Reviews and the list of bloggers and authors is growing in leaps and bounds. I’ll have a special Rafflecopter set up during this week for a chance to win signed paper backs, a Babel necklace featured in The Last Timekeepers series, a Spiral pendant featured in Legend of the Timekeepers, and other book swag like signed trading cards and rubber wrist bands.

So everyone set your time portals to midnight on May 1st, 2014 and spiral in on the celebration! And please, remember to time travel responsibly… 


  1. I've always wanted to time travel! I hope your giveaway does well! Our anniversary is in May also! We published Fable last May on the 15th! Good minds are on the same pun intended! ;-)

    1. LOL! Bet you intended that pun, Lisa! Hugs for your best wishes!

  2. Sounds like a fun month, Sharon.:) My suitcase is packed and I'm ready to go.:)

    1. I'm so ready for a vacation, even if it entails some time travel! Cheers, Sloane!

  3. That's an unusual eye shadow you have there Sharon LOL. Good luck with all the promotions.

    1. Thanks, Susan! Yes, since Legend of the Timekeepers features a human-snake hybrid, I thought it a fitting photo. Cheers!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Eleni! Can't believe it's been two years already!
