Monday 17 February 2014

3 Ways for Authors to Build Successful Relationships with Readers…

Say Thank You. I know. Floored you, didn’t I? Everyone wants to hear ‘thank-you’. The easiest way to say thank you is verbally—but the most powerful and memorable way is with a hand written note. So, the next time you’re doing a book signing event, always thank the reader for taking the time to come out and meet you, and then include the words ‘thank you’ when you’re signing the book they’ve purchased from you. It’s an easy give and take, and by saying and writing thank you, you’ve created the feeling of gratitude between you and your reader—a relationship that will hopefully last a long, long time.

Have Post Cards, Trading Cards, or Book Marks ready to send out. On my website, under my FUN STUFF page, I mention that I have free signed trading cards available upon request. I have been approached by readers on a few occasions for these signed freebies, which made me feel on top of the world. Depending on what genre you write, it’s a good idea to have something to autograph to send to a reader whether it’s a post card with your book cover and blurb on it, or book marks with a list of your books and head shot, or book cover trading cards so readers can collect them as the books come out. This is a terrific relationship builder, and a no-brainer!

Give Away the Good Stuff! Let’s be honest. Who doesn’t like getting something for free? I certainly do! And the best way to do this for authors is to giveaway their books. I’ve had many Goodreads giveaways, and they are by far one of the best ways to reach out to readers. Now, you must have your book available in paperback in order to qualify to have a giveaway with Goodreads, so if you only have an ebook format, then you must find other ways to give your book away. Book blog hops and Book blog tours are an inexpensive way to build new relationships, and Rafflecopter makes the art of giving away book swag, ebooks, or paperbacks a painless endeavor. I also have a free short story available for download on my website to give away to potential readers of my books. That’s the power of FREE—try before you buy!

What ways have you utilized to build relationships with your readers? What works best for you? Would love to hear your comments and get more ideas to connect. Cheers and thank you for reading my post!

BTW—There is still time to enter my Goodreads Giveaway which runs until February 25th.  Did I mention I’m signing the book, and throwing in a couple of trading cards to sweeten the pot?


  1. Great post Sharon! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Thank you, Lisa! Just sharing my experiences! Hugs!

  2. Many thanks Sharon! Great info :-)

  3. Great tips, and, yes, you'd think saying thank you would be fairly obvious. I'm continually amazed by how many don't thank fans and supporters, especially in the music industry. There's a misguided view of being perceived as a "Rock Star." Funny thing is, the true rock stars tend to be humble people. Not taking supporters for granted could have contributed to their success?

    1. Yes, saying thank you not only fills people up with gratitude, but fills you up as well. And I agree, the true rock stars are humble and grateful. Cheers, Elise, you rock star!

  4. "Thank you." One of the most magical phrases ever! Having the trading cards available is a great idea, too. Thank you!

    1. Magic words to live by, Tracie! Thank you for surfing by!

  5. Excellent post, Sharon, and thank you! I always send a note card with my promo material. You'd be surprised how many people email me a return thank you. What a shame those two precious words are falling by the wayside.

    1. Thank you, Sloane! That's a great idea! As soon as people understand that those two words open more than just doors, the better the world will become! Salute!

  6. Excellent points and always a good reminder to say Thank you! Thank you for this post! ;-)

  7. I liked the postcard idea, particularly as my books are not in paperback. Trading cards I hadn't heard of - but it sounds neat

    1. Glad I could be of some help, Susan! Thank you for stopping by my virtual home! Cheers!

  8. Thank you very much Sharon. Good post and very true.

  9. Extremely good advice, Sharon. It's about communicating.
