Thursday 6 September 2012

Drawing the Line...

Author integrity. This is what separates the hacks from the professionals. Presently, the publishing world is in the throes of authors behaving badly. I’m talking about fake reviews. I’m talking about unethical behavior between peers. I’m talking about writer exploitation. Put all those ingredients in a pot, leave it to putrefy, and eventually it’s bound to start stinking.

This is a total wake-up call for the publishing industry. The stench of writers cheating on this new publishing system is slowly catching up with them. There’s egg on their faces. And it makes many authors look bad. I for one, shake my head in disgust, and promise my readers I will never act in such a manner, and I will make a pledge and draw the line when it comes to my ethical boundaries as an author.

So here’s my pledge to my readers:

·         I will personally never pay for a review. This industry is filled with enough businesses that exploit new (and seasoned) authors. Be careful what you buy from these businesses. Remember, during the gold rush, there was always someone willing to sell you a pick or shovel, and they were always the people laughing to the bank.

·         I will never, ever fake a review. Ever. What you see on review sites like Amazon, Goodreads, and even my publisher, Musa Publishing, are honest, heartfelt reviews.

·         I will never, ever bash or dis other authors. In reviews or the social media. If their story doesn’t hold water, than they’ll be the ones who will get all wet. Let their readers decide for themselves.

·         I will always invest in the best – in myself, and in my readers. Delivering great, entertaining content is something that I will always strive for, and it’s always a team effort. This also means continually learning about the craft of writing to better my best.

·         I will always have my work professionally edited, my book covers professionally designed, and the book formatting professionally formatted. You get what you pay for and my readers deserve top notch. Period.

·         I will not cut corners. There’s too many ‘authors’ out there trying to make a quick buck. Proper businesses are built over time, not over night. Remember, patience is a virtue.
What these so-called professional authors seem to forget is ‘what goes around comes around’. My guess is that their writing careers will spin out of control until they hit bottom, forcing them to find their integrity, and redraw their own ethical lines.

Image: 123RF Stock Photo 11386554


  1. It seems like a year for the "authors behaving badly" issue. Maybe we notice it more, being immersed in the writing world ourselves, but the readers *certainly* notice it too. They aren't blind to authors who bash other authors, who bash reviewers, who whine, and so forth. And the fake reviews? My gosh, how many authors have been called out on that issue now?!

    It is incredibly unfortunate that people behave like this because, in the end, they only hurt themselves.

    1. I hear ya, Wendy! Like I said, what goes around comes around, and those authors will get their bitter desserts. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Couldn't agree more! Keep fighting the good fight : )

    1. Thanks, Alan - you're one of the good ones! Cheers!

  3. Good code of author ethics, Sharon...good on you, and agreed :)

    1. We, as writers, have our crosses to bare, we don't need to carry other author's crap. Thanks for commenting, Joanna!

  4. This trend, if we can call it that, is an embarrassment. I hope authors will learn better because I don't relish spending the next fifty years swearing I'm not one of the crazy or unethical ones.

  5. Great post, Sharon. I agree with everything on your list. :D

  6. Thanks, Anna and Liz! I guess we have to work all that much more harder to keep this new publishing paradigm honest. Cheers, ladies!

  7. Great post. I certainly share your code. Thanks for writing it up for me!

    1. High fives, Rhea! We authors need to have each other's backs! Cheers!

  8. Sharon,
    Excellent post. I agree with you completely, but it's great to see everything put in writing like you did with explicit promises to your readers. It's like taking all the bad author behavior and standing up to it with an ethical shotgun! Nice work.

  9. Very well said, Sharon! We owe it to ourselves to be the best we can be. These authors bending/breaking the rules are only hurting themselves in the end.

  10. Thanks, Peter - I just couldn't believe the lengths some authors would go through to get good reviews! Amaleen - true that! These unprofessional authors will get dragged through the mud for sure! Thank you both for visiting my humble cyber home! Cheers!

  11. I agree entirely about integrity and authenticity. I would also add that I will always give an honest opinion, including whether I have the time to give an informed opinion at all. a soon to be self-published author in paperback, I could not afford to have my professionally edited by A N Other, so it will be a case of best endeavours. The cover, however, has been designed by a publisher (it's a long story!).

    1. I appreciate your honesty, Derek, you need to do what's right for you. It costs money to realize your dream. But I'm sure you wouldn't slap together a bunch of words, go through it once, and send it out in cyber-space - you're too professional, and it's your career on the line here. Wishing you all the best in your self-publishing edeavors!

  12. Good for you, Sharon! And yes, what you give, you'll get back a threefold. Kudos (:

  13. Sharon, you are a professional in every way. Your conduct, spirit, and generosity to promote other authors proves it. You will succeed.:)

    1. WOW! I wish what you had just said was in a fortune cookie I just opened! Thank you for your kind words! Cheers!
