Thursday 22 March 2012

This Picture Is Worth A Whole Novel...

I can really relate to this picture. No, I’ve never been in a war or in a muddy trench, but I have nursed a day-old kitten. There was something about this picture that grabbed me, held me, and brought me to tears. It was in the remembering, and in the feeling, that hit a homer for me. I remembered how I felt just being there for the kitten. Yes, there was a sense of hopelessness, but I was focused on the outcome. And like listening to a favourite song and losing your soul in it, I lost mine in this old black and white photo.

Common sense tells me that both the subjects have long since past away. For all I know, it could have been the next day, or even sooner. Who knows how long we have? It’s in what we do with the time we have left that counts. It’s truly in how we live our life and what actions we take.
This photo rekindled something inside of me. It forces me to be a better writer, a better person. There’s a definite story here, deep in the gesture of the soldier, and in the vulnerability of the kitten. There’s gentleness, there’s love, and there’s determination.

 Despite whatever is going on in the soldier’s mind, he’s certainly focused on the present, and that’s a solid state to be in.
So the next time you’re struggling with your story, whether in revisions, edits or a work-in-progress, remembering this photo may help you take the necessary action to move your book forward and get the job done.


  1. A great post, Sharon, and a timely reminder that we are here for but a blink in eternity. As writers we need to make every word count, so that it moves the reader and keeps them engage with the story. And, as human beings, we need to be fully present and to appreciate what we have.

    1. I honestly couldn't have said that any better, Derek. Bravo!

  2. A beautiful post, Sharon, and excellent reminder of what is most important. xx

  3. This photo made me think of my cousin and brought tears to my eyes. Yes, Sharon, we are here for only a blink. Thanks for your tender and worthwhile post.

    1. It truly amazes me what life teaches us. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sloane.

  4. Something worth remembering every day. Excellent. Where did you find that picture? It's amazing.

    1. Found picture on one of my author friends facebook albums - it struck me immediately, and I had to write about it!

  5. What a great photo. And you're right, it does speak to you.

  6. You're right, Sharon. That this soldier, who is obviously in battle mode, could stop and take care of a helpless kitten speaks to the better angel in all of us. Thanks for sharing this; it brightened my day.
    Jan (Flores)

  7. Sharon, I can see why it touched you. He is a soldier who must fight, but he is saving a life and for him it brings humanity in a inhumane situation is my guess. Thank you.

  8. It is a powerful picture. It shows us that every life, no matter how small, matters. And I get the impression that in helping the kitten, the soldier might just be saving a little piece of himself, too.
    Thanks for sharing.
