Monday, 29 June 2015

Welcome to Atlantis…We’ve been expecting YOU!

Sweet Treats at my Book Launch
Hey everyone! I’m fresh off a seven day book blog tour and book launch, and want to express how grateful I am for all the support and kindness I’ve received in the last two weeks from family, friends, fellow authors, readers, and my publisher! I’ve had three incredible reviews ranging from 4 to 5 stars. Not bad for a re-release! If you’ve missed any of the reviews, check them out at BOOKAHOLIC FIX, BOOK BABBLE, and AUTHOR SANDRA LOVE. Thanks again to Amber Marr of Sapphyria’s Book Promotions for helping me garner those reviews and reaching new readers.

During the midst of all the craziness of launching a book, my new publishers at Mirror World Publishing, Justine and Murandy decided I should flex my acting wings and make a cameo appearance in the book trailer Murandy produced. Um. Who? Me act? Although it was fun, I think I’ll stick to writing and let the professionals handle the next book trailer. Kudos go to Brieanne, the young actress who shared the spotlight with me!

See what you think:

Okay, you can stop laughing now. No really. Stop…or I’ll send you to Atlantis. Wink. 


  1. I think you were great! Liked the music too.

    Susan Says

    1. Thanks, Susan! Really had fun doing the clip. Music makes any book trailer, that's for sure. But, like I said, I'm keeping my day job! Cheers!

  2. AWESOME!!! You are definitely up for an Academy Award!!! Great trailer, Sharon. Mirror World knows there stuff.:)

    1. LOL! I wouldn't say that, Sloane, but it was fun to do! Thank you for your support and kind words! Hugs!

  3. Great trailer. I wanted it to last longer!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hi Sharon,
    Congratulations on the release and the reviews.


    1. Thanks so much, Allison! Appreciate your kind words and support!
