Monday, 11 February 2013

One Lovely Blog Award…3 Awesome Authors

Thanks to the lovely and talented middle-grade/young adult author Lisa Orchard, I’ve been tricked, er I mean tagged as a recipient of One Lovely Blog Award. If you’d like to know more about this winsome and talented author and her books for tweens and teens, then head straight over to her website: and see what Ms. Orchard has been up to!
Now, it is my duty as a recipient of this award to reveal seven random facts about myself, so on with the revelation:
#1. I used to work for the local animal shelter four years ago. After a few visits in the emergency room – and getting second looks from the doctors – I decided that writing suited me (and my body) much better. Though, I did manage to get a book out of the experience!
#2. My better half and I started a graphic trade business in the early 80s when computers were but a whisper amongst the printers, and the invention of the fax machine was the best thing since sliced bread. We finally sold our company in 2004 to start a new life up in the wilds of Muskoka.
#3. Most of you know I love single malt scotch – but do you know my favorite brand? GLENMORANGIE – The Original. Three ice cubes, two fingers (three if I’m feeling brave).
#4. I fainted at couple of times while giving presentations in front of class during my high school years. Yup. Not a lover of public speaking, but in this business I know I have to make an effort and just do it. Maybe I can find a big enough pillow to land on?
#5. For the last seven years I’ve either been a part of or participated in the Muskoka Novel Marathon. This yearly event is a fundraiser for our local literacy council where about 30 sleep-deprived writers sit in the same room over the course of three days to compete for a chance at publication. Can you say energy drinks?
#6. I’ve just recently signed with local literary agency Walden House (Books & Stuff) to represent a new psychic teen series I’ve created entitled, Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls. The first book in the series is about a 15-year-old girl who can communicate with shelter animals. Hmm, wonder where I got that one from?
#7. This fact I’m borrowing from my author peep Lisa Orchard because it hit home for me: I really miss my dad. He’s been gone almost thirty years, but there’s still a void in my life that wishes he was still here to fill it.
Okay, the following victims authors who I’ve chosen to receive One Lovely Blog Award are:
Congrats, ladies! And thanks to everyone for stopping by and sharing my award with me! Salute!





  1. Congrats on the award! Wonderful post, Sharon. It's fun to learn new things about you. Two fingers, huh? You're my kind of woman.:)

    1. I would have gone for three fingers, Sloane, but I have a reputation to uphold! LOL!

  2. Your new teen psychic series sounds wonderful. I can't wait to learn more.

    1. Thanks, Sara! Hopefully my agents can get a publishing deal for me in the near future! Cheers!

  3. Congrats on the award, Sharon and...thanks...I think? ;)

    And a big contrags on the new series!

  4. Honestly, Marci, I either have confidence in what I'm doing, or I'm totally insane! Thanks for your support (and your sanity)! Cheers!

  5. Great post Sharon! Congrats on your award! (wink)!

  6. Love the sound of Mysterious Tales...Sounds terrific. Let us know when it comes out.

    1. Will do, Vonnie! But first it has to find a publisher! Cheers and thanks for surfing by!

  7. Congratulations on the award! Nice knowing some interesting things about people you meet online. Your teen series sounds pretty cool as well!

    1. Wow, thank you, Mel! The next one will be out sometime in the spring! Cheers!
