
Sunday 8 September 2024

Authors Need to Learn to Stay in Their Lane…

A good friend of mine invited me to jump on an Instagram show she does weekly. The topic was all about jealousy and envy, especially the green-eyed monster kind. I was intrigued, so of course I gave her a definite yes. As the conversation grew, I thought about how jealousy and envy seeps into the minds and actions of authors and writers. Yes, there’s comparison-itis, when an author compares his or her books and career to that of a highly successful author. How do they make it so easy? *Seethes* Why can’t I get a break? *Grumbles* What am I doing wrong? *Head desk* And the gut-punching laments go on and on. It’s like these famous authors got a free pass, and we’re looking for any scraps they can toss our way. But, what if I told you that there was a way to get the author life you’ve been working toward? It’s not easy by any means, but it’s doable.

Stay in your lane. That’s it. Told it was doable, but with today’s distractions an author has to deal with, it’s darned hard. Writing. Editing. Revising. Submitting. Rounds of edits. Book cover design. Formatting. Publishing. Book launch. Book promotion. Book marketing. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. The problem is we authors are too busy looking in the rear view mirror, side mirrors, odometer, gas gage, and in front of us, that it’s no wonder we can’t get to where we want to go. So strap on a pair of blinders and move forward. Stop for gas. In other words, rest and recharge. Check the GPS. Are you going in the direction you want to go or in circles? If you write for young adults, why are you in Stephen King’s lane? Yes, learn from him by all means, but don’t be envious of his accomplishments. They’re his and his alone.

Learn to pace yourself. The cliché, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ holds merit even by today’s standards.
Do what’s right for YOU. Write what’s right for YOU, not what’s trending. The famous authors you love to hate got there through their own grit and merit. Yes, they had help. Yes, they had support. Yes, they made it. But only through their tenacity, and because an agent or publisher thought they were ready. Don’t let the green-eyed monster come out and destroy your integrity as an author or writer. Shove it in the back seat and buckle that beast in. You’re the driver. You’re in control of how you respond to how well other authors are doing in your circle or your world. Keep your focus. Stick to your plan. Stay. In. Your. Lane.

This advice isn’t easy, especially when you’re more interested in what other authors or writers are doing. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence is not really what it seems. You didn’t see the work that was put in to actually make that grass perfect and luxurious. You don’t realize what successful authors have gone through to get to where they are now. Many flat tires, oil changes, recharged batteries, brake jobs, and a whole slew of other repairs and challenges have prepared them for the long haul of their publishing dreams. Learn from their journeys, but please, stay in your lane. You’ll be a better writer if you do.

Does the thought of another author’s success make you cringe with jealousy? Have you ever gone off course in your writing career because you decided to follow a famous author’s path instead of your own? When something amazing happens to an author you know personally, do you reach out and express your happiness for them? Or do you say nothing? Would love to read your comments. Cheers and thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I appreciate you!


  1. Welcome to my virtual highway, all! Wishing you all a wonderful trip to Authorville! Cheers!

  2. Wonderful post, Sharon! Thanks for sharing it :)

    1. Thanks so much, Marina, and you're very welcome! Cheers!

  3. Tried my hand at spicy novel. NOT my cup of tea. LOL

    1. LOL! I think you've found your heart's desire in what you write, Emma. Cheers and all the best!
