
Monday 4 May 2020

An Author’s Legacy…

Besides being ‘Luke Skywalker Day’—May the fourth be with you—it also marks the ninth anniversary of this blog: Sharon Ledwith: I came. I saw. I wrote. I started blogging—not really knowing anything other than reading Blogging for Dummies—on May 4th, 2011, before I even had a publishing contract. If you build it, they will come, right? Funnily enough, the contract came four months after I began blogging. It truly feels like a blur now, and I’ve learned so much since that inaugural date. That said, when I was trying to come up with a post to mark my blogversary (is that a word?), I found an article in our local paper that piqued my interest enough to pass on the wisdom I gleaned from it.

The headline read ‘MAGICAL MEMORIES’, with the subhead, ‘Disney letter among artifacts for Capitol Theatre’s 100th anniversary’. The article goes on to explain that, in 1938 Walt Disney himself sent a letter to the Windsor Daily Star, thanking it for helping promote a screening of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at the Capitol. The article goes on to quote, “Disney is a thing unto itself. That fact that the person who was the head of the Disney empire took time to write a letter to the Windsor Star—Windsor Daily Star at that time—to thank them for their assistance in promoting a Disney film, it’s amazing. Incredible, actually.”

I couldn’t agree more.

The letter goes on to mention the newspaper’s “splendid cooperation” in spreading the word about the movie’s run at the Capitol. Disney continues to write, “May I take this opportunity to thank your staff and especially your artists for their many kindnesses?” Wow, just wow! The letter was ended with Disney’s handwritten signature in large, swooping letters.

Can you imagine that kind of correspondence happening in this day and age? Imagine say, trying to get through to George Lucas if you were showing a Star Wars film. Um, no. Wouldn’t happen. And neither would George sit down and write a personal letter, and send it to you. It just goes to show you Disney’s considerate gesture speaks to a very different time in our world. Kind of makes me sad, in a way.

Then, I thought about what kind of legacy authors can leave behind in this ever-changing, post COVID 19 world. How a small gesture like Disney’s would make a difference in a reader’s life? Kindness and manners still matter in my mind, and never go out of style. There’s a handful of authors I know who do go out of their way to thank others who help promote them, give them a shout out on social media, or read their books and leave reviews. Most good business owners show gratitude to their customers in one way or another. Why not authors? After all, we are the owners of our stories, and publish them out into the world (or cyber-world) to sell to prospective readers.

Which leads me to the point of this post. A small kindness or act goes a long way with people. Sending a thank you card or donating your book to a school you did an author visit at, or adding value to a reader’s day by answering their email or social media message. It’s a little boost that will go a long way in a person’s heart, and probably make their day brighter. So take a page out of Walt Disney’s business book, and take time to connect with and grow your audience. It’s a great investment in your future author-self. Never forget, the world needs YOU!

BTW— For May-June my publisher, MIRROR WORLD PUBLISHING is going to promote a giveaway for new readers to try Mirror World books for the first time. The code is FREEBOOK and it can be used once per email address for a free ebook to try one of our books for free. Please click HERE to go to their online store. Happy reading!

Now that you’ve helped celebrate nine years blogging with me, let’s time travel a hundred years from now. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind as an author? How would you want readers to remember you? Would love to read your comments! Cheers, be well, and thank you for reading my blog.


  1. ♪ ♫ Happy Anniversary to you! ♪ ♫
    Am learning from you.

    1. LOL! Thanks, Helen! I'm learning from you and all my other author buds too! Cheers!

  2. A superb blog, Sharon. I'm so happy I have been with you for part of your nine-year journey at least. Here's to the next nine!

    1. Now that sounds like a plan, Carol! Looking forward to those next nine or nineteen! Wink. Thanks for your kind words and continued support, my friend! Cheers!

  3. Happy Anniversary, Sharon! Looking forward to the next nine years and I'm exciting to see what they'll bring!

    1. It's crazy how the time really does fly, Lisa! Yup, planning out those years with a smile in my heart. Hugs and thanks for your kind words and support, girlfriend!

  4. Happy Anniversary, Sharon! Congratulations, and best wishes for the future!

    1. Thanks so much, Andrew! Glad we connected. Really appreciate your support, my friend!

    2. You're welcome! I'm glad we connected too, and I'm very grateful for your support as well.

  5. Nine years of blogging!! Amazing. Congratulations!! Stay safe and well.

    1. Thank you for kind and supportive words, Darlene! Appreciate it!Be well and safe too!

  6. Happy Anniversary, Sharon!! Your stories are fun! Here's wishing you many sales!

    1. Thanks again, Lisa! Wishing you the same, my friend! Cheers!
