
Monday 20 April 2020

Book Tour: The Haunting Near Battlefield Ridge by Rita Monette...

Welcome to the 1-week book tour for The Haunting Near Battlefield Ridge!!

“I never believed in ghosts… until I met Oggie.”

About the Book:

Nikki Landry and her friends discover strange white smudges in photos Patti’s grandmother had snapped at an old gravesite. No one can explain what they are.

Did Nikki’s little brother mark them up with a piece of chalk? Did a low-lying fog move in just as she snapped the photos? Could it be just a smear on the camera lens?

Spikes insists it’s a ghost.

Then Mrs. LeBlanc remembers a legend her grandfather told her of a spirit that haunts the small family cemetery located near an old Civil War battle site. 

Will Nikki and her legend busting gang discover it’s just an old tale, or does the ghost really exist? If so, why is he there? What does he want?

Join Nikki and her friends as they go searching for the answers…and the truth behind the Haunting near Battlefield Ridge.

Exclusive Excerpt:

It was Saturday afternoon, and close to the time for the Legend Busters to meet up in our clubhouse.
Patti had grabbed a dishtowel full of fresh baked cookies as we left her house and headed to the treehouse.
“You go on up,” I said. “I’ll run inside and get us something to drink.”
I slammed the screen door as I ran into our small houseboat. Mama faced the kerosene stove as she scrubbed the soot off it.
“Nikki, do you have to slam that door every time you come through it?” Mama yelled over her shoulder.
“Mama, can I have some iced tea?”
“Meeting time, huh?” She pointed to the half-full jug of sweet tea left over from our lunch, a small piece of ice still floating among some lemon slices.
“Yes,” I said excitedly and grabbed the jug. Mama always kept a big chunk of ice in the icebox in the corner, but I didn’t ask for any, since the tea was still cool to the touch. Papa didn’t go to town for ice every day, so we had to make it last.
“Can I go to the meeting?” my little brother Jesse asked.
Jesse knew he wasn’t allowed in my clubhouse, but he always asked, just in case I might change my mind. I knew he snuck up there sometimes when I wasn’t around, because things would be messed up as only a five year old can do.
“Nope,” I yelled as I slammed the door behind me with my foot.
By the time I got to the top of the ladder, I heard Spikes’ bike coming down the road. He put baseball cards in the spokes to make it louder. Spikes was the most annoying friend I had, but I tolerated him on account of how he was always up for an adventure and wasn’t afraid of anything.
I pulled out some canning jars from the chest we kept our stuff in and poured four glasses half full, leaving the jug empty. Patti tore out four sheets of notebook paper and laid ’em on the make-shift wooden table like placemats. Our furniture was hard to keep clean on account of we didn’t have much of a roof. The birds made a mess on it every day. She divided the cookies on top of the sheets
I got our log book out and readied myself to tell the boys about our next mission, as we sipped our iced tea.
Spikes made it to the top of the ladder while I watched the bayou for any sign of Tim, who usually came in his pirogue.
“What’s up, Tomboy?” Spikes yelled.
Spikes always called me that ever since we met on my first day of school in Morgan City. He said it was on account of me climbing trees and not being all girly and stuff. In return, I called him Buzzard. He sorta looked like one with his long neck and big nose
I grinned at him.
“Okay, you got something up your sleeve, I can tell.” He snickered as he grabbed a glass of tea and took a sip. “Boy, that’s good. It’s hot as all get-out.” He pulled at his damp shirt
“We got Grandma to look at those photos,” Patti said, jumping in to the conversation.
“Wait until Tim gets here,” I said. “We don’t want to tell the story twice.”
“So, there’s a story behind them photos?” Spikes eyed her while he gulped down the rest of his drink. Seeing the large jug was empty, he reached for the last glass.
“That’s Tim’s,” I said. “Eat a cookie.”
“There sure is,” Patti said.
“I knew it!” he shouted, while sticking his hand in the empty jug to pull out a slice of wilted lemon. “It’s a ghost, isn’t it?” He sucked on the piece of yellow peel. “Did she see it? Where was the photo taken? We gotta get on out there as soon as possible.”

Make sure to visit all of the tour hosts and leave comments about the book, read the guest posts, and enter the giveaway!!

Book Details:

Publisher: Mirror World Publishing; 1 edition
Publisher Website: Mirror World Publishing
Publication Date: April 17, 2020

Purchase Your Copy:

Mirror World Publishing eBook

Mirror World Publishing Paperback

Meet the Author:

Behind Every Legend Lies the Truth!

Rita Monette was born and raised in Southwest Louisiana. After retiring from her “real” job as an administrative assistant for the State of Michigan, Rita began doing what she always wanted to do…write and draw. Her stories are set in the beautiful, yet mysterious, bayous and swamps of her home state. The Haunting Near Battlefield Ridge is the fifth book in her Nikki Landry Swamp Legend series. Rita now lives with her husband, four lap dogs, and one lap cat, in the mountains of Tennessee.

Social Media Links:






Enter the Giveaway:

Winner's choice of a Kindle copy of one of the books in Rita Monette's Nikki Landry Swamp Legends series. Go to Amazon to learn more about the books in the series

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats, Rita! Can't believe it's the 5th installment of your Nikki Landry Swamp Legend series! Go Snooper go! Wishing you all the best, big sis! Cheers!

  2. Looks like a great read! Here's wishing you many sales!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lisa! Love Rita's Swamp Legend series! She's awesome! Cheers!

  3. Thank you for sharing Rita's new book!!

    1. My pleasure, Amber! Happy to be on your team! Cheers!
