
Monday 11 June 2018

Using Reiki on your Pet…

I think the main reason why I wrote Lost and Found—the first book in my teen psychic mystery series, Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls—was to create an emotional experience that connects humans to animals, and to bring about an understanding between our two species. In this book, one of my characters Natalie (Nat) Knight uses a holistic healing system called Reiki on the shelter animals. The cats just soak up this vibrational ‘frequency’ while gathered around Nat’s wheelchair to receive their weekly treatment. Although Reiki traditionally has been used primarily for humans, it has many qualities that make it an ideal complementary therapy for animals. First and foremost, it is gentle, painless, non-invasive, and stress-free for animals. Reiki heals at all levels of an animal’s being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The term “Reiki” is usually translated as “universal life energy”. Reiki is part of the emerging field of energetic healing, rediscovered from the wisdom and knowledge of ancient cultures for use in modern times. Everything in the universe is made up of and connected by energy. By transmitting the healing energy of the universe along energetic pathways and through the practitioner’s hands to the client/animal, Reiki heals as deeply as needed within a being to create a shift toward health. 
Treatments can be given in person, with the hands of the practitioner placed on or at a short distance from the client/animal; or, since Reiki is energetic in essence, it can be sent across a distance, across a room, or to another geographic location.

Reiki will benefit not only the animals being treated but also the health of the person giving it. Every time a Reiki practitioner gives a treatment, the Reiki flows through her/him, healing her/him and the client/animal simultaneously. The feeling of receiving a Reiki treatment is generally one of deep relaxation. In practicing Reiki with animals, you’ll find that the more animals you treat, the more you’ll encounter animals who need healing. Animals understand Reiki’s benefits and will seek you out when they need healing. The beauty of Reiki as a healing system is its simple, gentle nature combined with its powerful and transformative results.

I received my level one Reiki in 1996, and continue to use it to this day. I’ve recently just started using Reiki on my dog, whose back legs are giving him a lot of trouble due to arthritis, and have seen some amazing results. My cat absolutely loves to have a treatment almost every night, and once I initiate the healing, she plops herself across my stomach or next to me in bed to receive her special treatment. What a princess! If Reiki sounds like something you’d love to learn, then seek out a Reiki Master near you who will teach you the new language of Reiki. Trust me, you’ll never regret being able to help a fellow human or furry friend in need of a good old fashioned healing.

Cheers, and as always, thank you for reading my blog.


  1. Sounds really interesting. I've never heard of Reiki. I think I may have to research this more possibly for one of the novels I'm working on.

    1. It's an amazing practice, Andrew! Please check it out when you get the chance! Thanks so much for stopping by! Cheers!

    2. I definitely will! You're welcome!

  2. What a beautiful way to help pets!

    1. It sure is, Sloane! Very much like Therapeutic Touch! Cheers and thanks!

  3. What an awesome concept, Sharon! Here's wishing you many sales on your new series!

    1. Thank you, Lisa! I really appreciate your support and kind words! Cheers!

  4. Hi Sharon, I'm a reiki practitioner too, and specialise in working with animals. I think you've described it perfectly, and like you say, it's amazing how animals seem more attracted to you when you have become attuned and know how to use it to help them. Feel free to read my blog at

    1. Thank you, Jason! I'll check out your blog! After all, like attracts like! LOL! Cheers!

  5. The dog in the top picture looks a bit like my dog, Dot. I think she would love Reiki.

    1. Oh, I bet she would, Darlene! Cheers and thanks for stopping by!
