
Monday 5 June 2017

What’s New in my Writing World this Summer…

With my new book release through Mirror World Publishing just around the corner, I’ve been scrambling to get things prepared and ready to go. Honestly, with the stuff authors have to do nowadays, it feels as if I’m birthing a baby, rather than launching a book! Some of my tasks include creating blog posts for my upcoming book tour with Sapphyria’s Book Promotions (June 17th to 23rd), whipping up recipe posts for friend and gourmet cook, Sloane Taylor, working with my web designer to make the necessary additions to include my new book and buy links, and making plans to attend the Summer Craft and Gift Show with author friend, Christine Hayton on June 25th in Windsor.

Last month, I just finished up with a three week long Goodreads Giveaway for The Last Timekeepers and the Dark Secret, the latest book in my young adult time travel adventure series. I was tickled with the amount of entries I received (1444) for that giveaway, and I’m grateful for all those readers who entered! Now on the cusp of a new book series, I’ll be planning another Goodreads Giveaway once, Lost and Found, Book One of Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls launches on June 17th. Please stay tuned for my next Goodreads Giveaway announcement on my blog, and in my Facebook and Twitter feeds. This book giveaway will run for about two weeks, so the winner will receive his/her book during the summer months.

I’ve also been busy contacting animal shelters and animal rescue organizations to offer them a fundraising opportunity to sell my book, Lost and Found on consignment at their events and fundraisers. In this proposal, I offer some unique marketing and selling points:

·         The author wrote this novel after her experience with working at a local animal shelter as an animal care attendant
·         A true labor of love, every dog and cat featured in this novel is based on an animal for which the author cared or handled in some capacity
·         A story that speaks for the animals
·         Cat and dog lovers worldwide will adore this heartwarming animal tale
·         Brings awareness to struggling animal shelters everywhere.
·         Brings awareness regarding the important issue of neutering/spaying our pets, as well as the importance of animal adoption
·         The importance of volunteering at local animal shelters to help offset the high cost of running a shelter

The intent for this fundraising idea spawns from creating awareness for animal shelters and the continuing challenges to keep their doors open, and care for the lost, abandoned, or surrendered animals. We must remember, without the backbone of volunteers and community support, animal shelters and rescues would not survive. I know this, and unfortunately have seen it firsthand.

If you’re curious about Lost and Found, here’s the tagline and blurb:

Fairy Falls was bores-ville from the get-go. Then the animals started talking...

The Fairy Falls Animal Shelter is in trouble. Money trouble. It’s up to an old calico cat named Whiskey—a shelter cat who has mastered the skill of observation—to find a new human pack leader so that their home will be saved. With the help of Nobel, the leader of the shelter dogs, the animals set out to use the ancient skill of telepathy to contact any human who bothers to listen to them. Unfortunately for fifteen-year-old Meagan Walsh, she hears them, loud and clear.

Forced to live with her Aunt Izzy in the safe and quiet town of Fairy Falls, Meagan is caught stealing and is sentenced to do community hours at the animal shelter where her aunt works. Realizing Meagan can hear her, Whiskey realizes that Meagan just might have the pack leader qualities necessary to save the animals. Avoiding Whiskey and the rest of shelter animals becomes impossible for Meagan, so she finally gives in and promises to help them. Meagan, along with her newfound friends, Reid Robertson and Natalie Knight, discover that someone in Fairy Falls is not only out to destroy the shelter, but the animals as well. Can Meagan convince her aunt and co-workers that the animals are in danger? If she fails, then all the animals’ voices will be silenced forever.

Well, that’s all the news I have for now, and that’s a good thing, seeing as my work is cut out for me! If you’re an author, have you ever come up with a unique marketing or fundraising idea based on the premise of your book? Would love to read your comments. Cheers, and as always, thank you for reading my blog!


  1. Best wishes for success with your latest "babies," Sharon!

    1. Thanks, Helen and Lorri! Really appreciate your support! Cheers!

  2. Good luck with your book launch! Here's wishing you many sales!

    1. Thank you, Lisa! If I knew writing was this much work...I'd probably still do what I love! Wink. Cheers and thanks for your support!

  3. You are one busy writer. I am also ready to launch another Amanda Travels book and am feeling overwhelmed!! But we do it and love it. Best of luck!!

    1. Glad to hear from you, Darlene! Best of luck with your new Amanda Travels! I know how you feel, this author biz is like a crazy roller coaster ride. Cheers and thanks!
