
Wednesday 10 April 2013

Books, Banter & Bites on my Dock…featuring Lizzie T. Leaf

Photo by Brianne Boulton
Welcome to my virtual dock in the wilds of Muskoka, where it’s always sunny and warm no matter what time of the year it is. Please pull up one of the dock chairs, sit your butt down, and be prepared to be entertained and enlightened. Today, I’ve got romance author, Lizzie T. Leaf stopping by for a visit. If you’ve never heard of this awesome author, here’s a little bio about her:

Award winning author, Lizzie T. Leaf, started life in Kansas, continued her growing years in North Carolina, and currently shivers through the winters in Colorado. She has numerous e-Books of varying lengths and her first print novel, Struck by Lightning, won dual 2007 Beacon awards. Not a bad track record for a gal who came out of the closet with the dream to write after she turned fifty. Her current works fall into two categories…erotic contemporary or paranormal romance. When not writing, traveling, reading, gardening and family consume her time.

Wow, Lizzie has traveled a long way to spend an evening with us on my dock today. And look, the sun’s just starting to set. Beautiful reds and mauves tonight! Insect repellent, Lizzie? No. Don’t say I didn’t try to warn you. Now before we get into the nitty-gritty, here’s a dram of single malt scotch to help you cope with any mosquito bites you do acquire tonight. Hmm – maybe I should make that a double. After our chat, I thought I’d give us a generous scoop of ice cream I scored from Kawartha Dairy this afternoon. I decided to go with Moose Tracks®, but if you want something different, here’s the list of all their ice cream flavors, and we’ll take a drive over after our chat since the store is open late. So, Lizzie, let’s get this party started!

Where did you get your idea and inspiration to write Emerging Magic?

Emerging Magic - 2nd book in the Magical Love series...the series is centered around a Scottish Cailleach and I love Scotland. Taking some of the mythology I learned about while touring around the country, the idea came to make the Cailleach (the old woman of seasons) into a matchmaker. Push her out of her comfort zone.

Scotland is definitely on my bucket list to visit. What sets Emerging Magic apart from other books in the same genre?

Beyond Magic and Emerging Magic bring together beings that may be unexpected. Nothing like mixing things up.

True, that! How long did it take for you to start and finish Emerging Magic?

Emerging Magic took about six months.

You’re a real writing machine, Lizzie. Do you have any advice for writers wanting to write in your genre?

Let your imagination explore all possibilities.

Now that would make for a great bumper sticker! What's next for Lizzie T. Leaf the author?

Banshee Magic in the Magical Love series is next on the schedule. For my other series, DEAD Viking and DEAD Santa are on tap for this year.
Sounds like you’ve got everything planned out, Lizzie! Oh here, let me top up your glass. Are you sure about the insect repellent? I think you’re being swarmed. No. I guess the scotch must have kicked in! Now, before you go, please let readers know where they can buy your book, and how to connect with you. Thanks for taking the time to share your novel and your wisdom with us on my dock this evening. Cheers and best wishes in ALL your publishing ventures, Lizzie.
Emerging Magic Buy Links: Amazon and Barnes & Noble   Learn more about Lizzie T. Leaf on her website and blog  Stay connected on Facebook and Twitter


  1. Wow, you're one busy writer, Lizzie! Wishing the best for all your books. :)

  2. Good interview, Lizzie and Sharon. Emerging Magic sounds like an awesome read!

    1. Thanks, Sloane. I aim to please. But if I had a drink in my hand I'd aim for my mouth! Cheers!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A fun paranormal set in could you go wrong? I can't wait for the next one! Write faster, Lizzie. #:0)

    1. Working on it, Sam! But also working on another, and edits on a couple of others.

  5. Thank you for having me over for a drink, Sharon. It's great to be out of the cold. Mother Nature missed the news that spring has arrived in CO. Either that or she's messin' with us. Maybe she's been into the Scotch.

    1. I vote the Scotch. Mother Nature is feminine, after all. Thanks for dropping by!

  6. Ouch...damn mosquito...quick, need a refill!

  7. Wishing you much success with your books, Lizzie.

  8. Great post Lizzie and Sharon. I love the advise. Best wishes and much success with the books, they sound great.
