
Monday 12 December 2011

Who's Your Role Model?

Sometimes it’s a tough question to answer. Most times it requires some thought. Was your role model your grade seven teacher? Or your parents? What about the person who gave you your first job experience? The author whose book you couldn’t put down? Superman, Spiderman or maybe Wonder Woman? Hey, fictional works too.

Who has inspired you to grow? To help you push the boundaries and move those obstacles out of the way so you can bloom, be all that you can be. My guess is that, like me, you’ve had many role models over the course of your life. And hopefully, you’ve become a role model to others.
That’s called passing the baton. It’s also called living by example. To be a role model in this world is a tough gig, but well worth it. That’s why I love to write and create characters that are as flawed as I am, sharing my story of struggle and perseverance. I research, report and hopefully receive results. The pay back is in making some kind of difference to others. To give a piece of yourself away. To offer something of lasting value. To be the change I want to see in the world.

So figure out who your role model(s) is/are, and then honor them by passing on their legacy. 
Image: 123RF stock photos

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