
Sunday 4 October 2020

Book Tour: Libby The Lobivia Jajoiana by Regan W.H. Macaulay and Kevin Risk, Illustrated by Gordon Bagshaw...

About Libby the Lobivia Jajoiana:

Libby is a lonely cactus plant who has trouble believing in herself. However, when lovely, confident Violet moves in next to her on the windowsill, Libby learns that the things that make her different also make her special.

Paperback : 48 pages
ISBN-10 : 1987976746
ISBN-13 : 978-1987976748
Publisher: Mirror World Publishing
Publish Date: October 1, 2020

Genres/tags: Children’s picture book. Fantasy, self-esteem, friendship, beauty, confidence

Purchase Links:

Mirror World Publishing 

Barnes & Noble;jsessionid=6D18B94670383B577081CB39ABAA408B.prodny_store01-atgap13?ean=9781987976748

Meet the Authors:

Regan W. H. Macaulay

Regan W. H. Macaulay writes novels, short stories, children’s literature, and scripts. Writing is her passion, but she’s also a producer and director of theatre, film, and television. She is an animal-enthusiast as well, which led her to become a Certified Canine and Feline Massage Therapist. Other picture storybooks include Sloth the Lazy Dragon, Tamara Turtle’s Life So Far, Mixter Twizzle’s Breakfast, Merry Myrrh the Christmas Bat, and Beverlee Beaz the Brown Burmese. She is also the author of The Trilogy of Horrifically Half-baked Ham, which includes Space Zombies! (based on her film, Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem!—available on iTunes and on DVD), They Suck, and Horror at Terror Creek.




Amazon Author Page:

Author Website:

Kevin Risk:

Kevin Risk has had a varied history. He began in theatre, briefly transitioned into teaching ESL, then settled in library science. He currently works as a media librarian and spends much of his time preoccupied with metadata. When he’s not at work or at home, he can often be spotted running on Toronto’s Martin Goodman Trail.

Meet the Artist:

Gordon Bagshaw, a stay-at-home dog parent of two beautiful shelties, is also a Canadian author and freelance illustrator. He loves to work with digital art, CG model texture painting, vector drawing, and bitmap painting. He is the creator of the online comic strip, Frodo the Sheltie, including three book galleries and illustrator of the children’s book, Sleepy Time For Mammals, which garnered 1 of 3 L.M. Montgomery Literature for Children Awards in 2014. Gordon has resided in São Paulo, Brazil since 2008 with his lovely wife, where he teaches English for business, travel, and continued education.

Amazon Author Page:


  1. A well-deserved congrats to Regan, Kevin, and Gord for a brilliant addition to the Mirror World Publishing's children's books genre. Well done and all the best!

  2. This looks like the cutest story! I will keep this in mind for when I need a gift for a youngster!

    1. It does doesn't it, Lisa. Perfect gift for the upcoming holidays. Wink. Cheers for stopping by to comment!
