
Monday 24 February 2020

The 4 Types of Novel Writers. Which One Resonates With You...

Recently, I viewed a YouTube video done by Ellen Brock whom I personally knew as an editor when she worked for my former publisher. She now offers strategies and techniques geared to help writers with their particular writing process, and hopefully assist them in writing better books. In this video, she talks about the four types of novel writers, and frankly, I was intrigued. Now, I’m sure you’ve heard of writers prone to being either Pantsers or Plotters, or a hybrid of both, but Ellen offers a different take which I wanted to share with you on my blog. If you’ve got about twenty minutes of time to invest, I urge you to watch Ellen’s video below to find out what type of writer you resonate with. I really believe you’ll find this fascinating and worth the watch, so please enjoy!

BTW—I’m an Intuitive Plotter. Go figure. This makes perfect sense to me now! LOL! Hope this video helps you to plan and write your next blockbuster! So, what type of writer did you figure out you are? Would love to read your comments. Cheers, and thank you for reading my blog.


  1. Oh my gosh. I didn't expect to see myself as a Methological Panster, but I must be! The description fit me. I want to be an intuitive planner! Very interestin.

    1. I know, right! I really enjoyed this unique way of planning novels. Cheers and thanks for stopping by to watch and comment!

  2. I am an Intuitive Pantser for sure. However, I do edit as I go along so that by the time I finish my piece, it is 99% ready to publish. That means that I am a blend of Intuitive and Methodological Pantser...but heavier on the Intuitive side. Thanks for this informative video, Sharon.

    1. Yes, I edit as I go too, Linda. That way my first draft isn't as muddy when I finally finish the book. You're very welcome!
