
Monday 16 October 2017

A Taste of the North from Chris Pavesic’s S’Mores Recipe and Book #2 of Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls…

Quick & Easy S'moresWhen you envision scenes of family or friends sitting around the campfire at the cottage or campsite, what food pops into your mind? Hot dogs? Marshmallows? Well, yes, but how about those gooey gobs of sweet joy children crave the most? Yup, I’m talking about S’Mores! Enter my author friend, Chris Pavesic who has a sure-fire recipe that will fill those campfire desires enough to sit back and enjoy a ghost story or two inside or outside. Take it away, Chris...

This kid-friendly recipe is quick and easy to make. It’s a little bit like a s’more, a little bit like a bird’s nest, and 100% yummy. Get those marshmallows and chocolate chips ready!

  • 1 Package (12 OZ) Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
  • ½ Bag (5 OZ) Mini Marshmallows
  • 2 Cups Pretzel Sticks
  • 2 Cups Vanilla Wafers (broken into pieces)
  • Baking Dish
  • Large Spoon
  • Parchment Paper
  1. Pour the chocolate chips into an ungreased baking pan. Pop it into the oven at 250 degrees for about 5 minutes. (Basically until the chocolate chips get shiny. They should still retail their shape.)
  2. Take the pan out and immediately start adding the other ingredients. Stir as fast as possible because the chocolate will cool quickly.
  3. This can be a bit messy when stirring—you will get chocolate on your hands—but that’s part of the fun!
  4. When the other ingredients are coated, start spooning the mixture onto the parchment paper in serving-size portions. Allow to cool completely and serve.
Thank you, Chris! While you’re busy devouring your treats, here’s a taste of what to expect in the next installment of Mysterious Tales from Fairy Falls, Blackflies and Blueberries set to be released in 2018 through Mirror World Publishing

Seventeen-year-old Hart Stewart possesses psychometry—the psychic ability to discover facts about an event or person by touching inanimate objects associated with them. He inherited this phenomenon from his murdered mother. Now a year has passed, and Hart has endured homelessness and hunger, as well as kept his secret of being illiterate under wraps. Then, through contact with a social worker, Hart learns of a great-aunt named Gertie Ellis living in a small northern community called Fairy Falls.

Seventeen-year-old Diana MacGregor lives in Fairy Falls too. She lost her mother a year ago, through a senseless murder. This eats away at Diana until Hart finds her lost ring. The ring whisks him away to another place and time where he witnesses Diana’s mother’s murder. The ring’s vibrational memory informs Hart that she knew her killer. Now Diana has hope for justice, and through Hart’s psychic ability, Diana and her friends, Brook Bennet and Donovan Johnson, along with her younger sister Nancy MacGregor start their own investigative process that leads them into the corrupt world of a big development corporation easing its way into Fairy Falls, and of the treachery and greed that accompany it.

Meet Chris Pavesic:

Chris Pavesic lives in the Midwestern United States and loves Kona coffee and all types of speculative fiction. Between writing projects, Chris can most often be found reading, gaming, gardening, working on an endless list of DIY household projects, or hanging out with friends. She blogs on and Tweets @chrispavesic 


  1. Thanks for the two temptations! A delicious recipe I can't wait to make and an intriguing new book I can curl up with. Perfection!

    1. Thanks, Sloane! Chris's recipe sounded so different and so easy to make! Now...back to writing #2... Cheers!

  2. I never heard of S'Mores - looks like I've been missing something good.

    1. You sure are, Susan! Try some, you'll won't be disappointed! Wink. Cheers!
