
Monday 26 June 2017

Coping with the Emotional Challenges of Being a Writer...

As an author, the number one emotional challenge I find is being overwhelmed. These days, writers must wear so many hats. Indie authors more so. If you’re lucky to score a contract with a publisher like I did, a lot of the work such as your book cover design, editing, formatting, and some marketing and promoting are taken care of for you. When you’re under contract with a publisher you’re part of a team, and are expected to participate fully. But if you decide to go with self-publishing you either learn the ropes and wear all the hats, or delegate and hire cover artists, editors, formatters, and book promotion or marketing specialists. And believe me it’s not cheap.

We live in a new time of publishing where the rules are not quite yet defined, and anything goes. So writers need to figure out what they can handle, and what they can’t. I hired a web designer. I’ve even hired a book promotion specialist to help with a blog tour for my book launch. Writers are a tough breed. You must realize that you can’t handle everything. Or this business will break you. It’s humbling to understand you need to rely on others, and it will create a sense of peace. Balance what you can, and dole out the rest.

Writing is such a solitary profession. Humans need human contact. Period. Face it, we weren’t born to live a life of solitude. Like attracts like, and writers are no exception. I connected with other writers through courses, social media, my publishers, writing groups—I could go on, but you get the gist—because of our common love of books and writing. Writers know what other writers go through. They feel each other’s pain, know what it’s like to be rejected, and invest a lot of time, energy, and money into a profession that may or may not pay off in the long run.

Supporting other writers, and helping them out when the going gets tough, has helped me tremendously when I’ve felt down in the dumps and overwhelmed. And those awesome writers do the same for me. These emotional challenges happen to the best of us. So why not hang with like-minded souls, who can give you a hug—virtually or physically?

What are some of the emotional challenges you’ve faced as a writer? How did you deal with these challenges? Would love to read and respond to your comments! Cheers and thank you for reading my blog!


  1. I think having a group of writers who support you is a must. They're jumping through the same hoops you are and therefore, know exactly what you're going through. Great post, Sharon!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! And I couldn't agree with you more! Cheers and hugs for stopping by! You rock!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Justine! Appreciate your on-going support in this crazy business! Cheers!

  3. The support of other writers, in person or on-line is so valuable to any writer. I am blessed to have this support, including yours. Thanks!

    1. So true, Darlene! You are too kind, and I try my best to help and support writers when I can. Cheers!

  4. Well said, Sharon. So glad I have my writer buddies there to talk through problems, give encouragement, and share experiences!

  5. Great blog. I know what it's like to feel overwhelmed!
