
Monday 11 November 2013

Author Guest Post: Vonnie Hughes's Tangy Curry and Captivating Regency Reads...

Spice up your life with a new dish that's not expensive and really takes very little hands-on time. I offer you one of our family favorites and I think you'll enjoy it, too. This sweet, mild curry serves eight.

2½ lbs of cubed cheap steak (it will be simmered for ages so cheap steak is fine) 2 finely chopped onions
1 chopped apple
2 chopped carrots
2 tablespoons of ordinary flour Juice of half a lemon
2 tablespoons of golden syrup (light treacle)(corn syrup)
1 dessertspoon of mild curry powder
1 medium tin of tomato soup
1 small tin of pineapple pieces

Place the steak in a large pot. Add the onions, apple and carrots.

In a bowl mix the flour, lemon juice, golden syrup, curry powder and a little of the pineapple juice. Stir this flavored thickening and add to the meat in the pot.

Add the tomato soup and pineapple pieces.

Cook on a very low heat for two hours, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. (A little extra liquid may be needed. Water is fine).

Best served with rice and a tossed green salad.

Now while you have that 2 hour wait, how about a step back in time with an intro to one of my Regency novels?
When Alexandra Tallis sets free the attractive man her sister stupidly tried to hold captive, her actions lead not only to a love she never thought to find, but also to a horrific family secret that threatens that love.

When Alexandra Tallis discovers that her witless sister has imprisoned their father’s nemesis, Theo Crombie in their attic, she quickly frees him, fighting an unladylike impulse to keep him as her own special captive. Despite the brutal beating she receives from her father for her actions, Alexandra continues to yearn for the delicious Mr. Crombie even though she knows that nothing will ever come of her dreams.

Injured and shackled in a stranger’s attic, Theo unexpectedly discovers the woman of his dreams. But how can he pursue those dreams when her bizarre family’s complex relationships threaten the very foundation of his existence? Somehow Theo must find a way through this maze to claim his lady.

To read an excerpt from Captive, please click HERE.

Vonnie Hughes is a New Zealander living in Australia. She loves animals and jogging. Vonnie writes Regencies and romantic suspense novels along with short stories. She is presently working on a romantic suspense, working title: Innocent Hostage and a Regency novella, working title: A Tale of Two Sisters.

Her earlier book Coming Home is about a soldier and a nurse, thrown together during the Napoleonic wars, who find more danger on their return to England than they ever did on the Iberian Peninsula.

The Second Son is actually a prequel to Coming Home. A second son, filled with angst, stands to inherit a title and property through the death of a brother he has always loathed and mistrusted. A young disabled woman teaches him how to find his self-respect and how to love.

Another Regency Historical, Mr. Monfort’s Marriage, has businessman Matthew Monfort inveigled into marrying an earl’s daughter. With good reason he loathes the ton, so his new wife needn’t think she’s going to win him over, even though she’s quite delightful…and intelligent…and sweet…However Verity shows him that not all members of the ton are idle layabouts and that he can do much good with his largesse and with—shock, horror—the unexpected and embarrassing title conferred on him by Prinny.

All of Vonnie’s books are available on Amazon and Musa Publishing.

Learn more about Vonnie Hughes on her website and blog. Stay connected on Facebook and Goodreads.


  1. Yummy Vonnie. I like a good curry and mild is just fine for me!

  2. This sounds delish! I'm definitely going to have to try it. And the book sounds wonderful too!

  3. Great combination Vonnie hot curry and sweet Regency - or the other way around. :)

  4. Vonnie, this sounds perfect! I've never tried curry, but I will now. Thanks for the excellent books you write, Vonnie. Please keep them coming.

  5. Hi peeps. It's good to be here. Sharon is the consummate hostess. She has me settled down on the deck with a glass in my hand. Keep the books coming Sloane? Yup, one romantic suspense being chewed over by The Wild Rose Press, one Regency novella coming from Musa on December 13, and the next one on January 31. Must be the curry.

    1. Glad to have you, Vonnie. Sorry about the snow flurries, it's that time of year. Thank goodness for your curry (and the wine) to keep us warm! Salute and best wishes with ALL your publishing endeavors!
